Well, I need to do a bit of a write-up, but until I'm ready to do that this will have to make do. Did this Meme on a friend's LJ, the quote is one hell of a coincidence considering that she was talking about watching The Holy Grail with someone!
Oh god, hope Meg isn't keeping an eye on my LJ!
I think this one could do with being able to check people's gender somehow:
My LiveJournal SitcomThe yenrug Show (PAX, 7:00):
yenrug (Jerry Seinfeld) and
elliejane (Neve Campbell) buy the university. Later,
jazzymegster (Roger Moore) marries
dreximgirl (Jane Fonda)'s grandmother. TV-14.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by
A teensy bit late:
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulYenRug goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as D'Argo.
dreximgirl tricks you! You get a toothbrush.
elliejane gives you 2 red lime-flavoured gumdrops.
jazzymegster gives you 6 light blue lime-flavoured gummy fruits.
xakliaaeryn gives you 10 red passionfruit-flavoured gummy worms.YenRug ends up with 18 pieces of candy, and a toothbrush.Another fun meme brought to you by