Apr 03, 2006 19:22
-Sigh- Man, I'm bored. Lizi and I signed up for Paixao. Yeah, we are like really late to turn in the application. This is Lizi's second time trying and my first. It took the Mod. about TWO freakin weeks just to decline Lizi, TWO WEEKS!!!WTF?!!On Friday, I went to Sanaz's house and stayed there until 10ish. Her cousins came over, but we just stayed in her room. We talked to Mika and Diem. XDD It was sooo much fun! Diem was playing Kh2 and Mika was all saying how we, Sanaz and I, live in the "past". We don't have cars and other technology since we "lack" technology.XDD On Saturday, Also on Friday, we went to go get my laptop and go buy the Kh 2 strategy guide. Man, that thing was sooo thick it's like 400 pgs!! On Saturday, I'm pretty sure I stayed home the whole day. I am waiting for the reply, but the Mod. hasn't replied yet. I mean if she gonna fuckin decline me, she better not take TWO WEEKS to decline me!! >O I wish I get in especially Lizi because then it'll be her third time unless she gives up. Then on Sunday, Sanaz and I went to Lizi's clarinet concert. We bought her flower, with the help of Diem. X3 Thank you! When we got to our destination, we met up with Danielle. We all went in together but we sadly missed Lizi playing. T0T We came to late but she later did a duet with another clarinet player. After they finished playing, Sanaz, Danielle, and I were like WOO~! And yelling and stuff it was sooo funny! XDD After we squeezed in Lizi's small car and went to her house. There we played Kh 2. While Lizi was playing Kh 2, Sanaz and I were talking to Diem outside near the kitchen. Then after Danielle left, we went in Lizi's room so she wouldn't feel awkward and lonely. X3 We are such thoughtful friends. XD Well that was it and I am still waiting for that Mod.'s reply....-_-##;;