Whooooooo prom. Twas very fun. There was much dancing and partying and adorable fishies in aquariums, including a master samurai lobster. Me and Nadine didn't make it home til 4 in the morning. We are such wild party animals. Kind of. Anyway. There aren't really any good pictures, because my parents are physically incapable of taking good pictures but ummm at least you can see my dress in this one? It was very pretty and I love it :)
Aww yay. My parents videotaped all of the pre-Prom activities, including, I'm afraid, the part where my mom had to pin on his boutonniere. Oops.
Look at all those sexy kids. Particularly the girl in the brown/beige/blue-at-the-bottom dress, cuz she is damn sexy and I think I might be in love with her :-D
Us and the limo... from another angle. I appear to be tapping my feet impatiently. Yes, we crammed all of those kids into the limo. It was fine on the way there, but we were somewhat crowded into the isolated back on the way home. All the better to mock the others with, eh? Kidding, kind of ;) But don't even get me started on the limo stuff. Basically, due to a very lame communication, we got kicked out as soon as we got back home. But I bitched enough that night and was repeatedly hushed by all involved, so I'm done. Really. But the limo was cute and fun, and they had adorable baby cokes, so all is well.
More limo. I only posted this one to point out that Nadine managed to triumph over her Winter Formal self and now looks not only asian, but drunk, in this picture. Muahaha.
And just for the hell of it, pics from last night's award ceremony, which was extremely boring, but produced fun pics.
SAV! I love Sav so much, I'm so sad she's retiring. I love this pic because even though we all look a bit rosy, Sav is amazing and Brittany looks sexy in her choir dress and Missa looks really adorable and glowy, I dunno if that's the right word, but there you have it.
Hahahaha oh Billy. He actually wore that hat up on stage, and when he stood up to accept his award, everyone laughed. It was awesome.
I'm a gangster.
Holy shit, only 11 days left. Love and stuff :)