
Nov 29, 2020 08:47

Woke up to some utterly awful news on FB, that photognome had died suddenly last night. I'll repeat what I posted on FB here:

It's been zero days since I've woken up to the news that a friend died. Joe (AKA PhotoGnome) was one of those people who just made everyone around him so much happier, and was a wonderful part of my life online long before and long after we were neighbors in Atlanta. I still have fond memories of sushi at Ru San's, conversations at DragonCon, and just plain hanging out and chatting about comics. The world's a lesser place without him in it.

Just an awful loss. I know many LJ/DW folks have migrated to FB and Twitter, but folks here should know, and frankly, Joe's one of those people who should be memorialized wherever we can.
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