I had a conversation with a slash writer around a year ago where we discussed slash fic in general. One of the things discussed was the trope
Why We Can't Have Nice Things. I talked to this writer about how I stay away from slash fanfiction because of the negative responses I've received when reviewing badly written slashfic. They told me they wished people wouldn't give up on critiquing slashfic because this wasn't fair to the good writers out there, or even the ones trying so very hard to write good slashfic and crave the needed critique.
They are right.
Recently my attention was drawn to a writer having to defend themselves from accusations of being a
silly, hormonal fangirl. I'm tired of seeing good slashfic writers having to defend themselves from such accusations. I'm tired of the slashfic writers who try their best not getting critique they need in order to improve. I'm tired of young slashfic writers thinking they have to cater to the rabid fanbase who honestly just care about their next fix, but not the writer's craft.
And yet I feel like I can't do squat about it.
The best way to put “why” I can't help is because I hate dealing with people who choose to act like idiots. I hate dealing with people who claim to be respectful of something only for them to be in reality quite ignorant. I particularly hate dealing with these people when they throw around the accusation that I am the one being ignorant. I also hate dealing with people who throw childish tantrums because they think people owe them something.
This has unfortunately been my experience when I've critiqued slashfic in the past. The vast majority of people I've critiqued in order to help them improve as writers when it comes to slashfic fall into the above category. I can only think of two writers that haven't fallen into the above category. The first is a young writer who approached me for critique. The second writer was in a small fandom I frequent who is very likely dealing with her sexuality through the fanfiction she writes and had received I review that read... “disgusting”.
I should add here that both of these writers have quite a lot of potential and I had no problems finding plenty of positive things to say about their work.
I know there are people who believe “if you don't have anything positive to say, then don't say anything at all”. Some people even believe “if you have anything negative to say, then don't say it.” It is after all something our mothers tell us all the time. “If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.” Actually... that phrase actually means “if you don't have anything polite to say, don't say anything at all”.
Telling a person the truth isn't rude... and yet the people who fall under the above category act like it is rude to tell people the truth. The reason telling people the truth is rude is because it hurts a persons feelings. If you hurt a persons feelings then you are a bully. I'm sad to say I've heard cases of people who think this is true. Slapping the bully label on people because a person can't deal with their emotions in a mature manner belittles those who really are being bullied.
Tell a silly, hormonal fangirl the truth though you're libel to get slapped with the label of being homophobic. You'll also see these silly, hormonal fangirls claim their writing supports the LGBT community when in reality they don't. They help feed the horrid stereotype that effeminate men must be gay and masculine men can not be gay. They strip male characters of their masculine traits just to fit their idea of how homosexual men should act Stripping male characters of their masculine traits says gay men can't be who they are.
Remember how I said I hate dealing with people who claim to know what they are talking about but are in fact ignorant?
The ignorant things I've heard these silly, hormonal fangirls spout off honestly bother me far more then them calling me homophobic. The ignorance doesn't just extend to homosexuality either with these fangirls. Dealing with any rabid fangirl when they throw tantrums is a major headache. Each tantrum takes time to deal with. They're also a drain on a persons energy. I'm not saying I mind dealing with them. There are only so many I can deal with at a time.
How bad can it be? Most of the time the writers just tell me I'm homophobic, but this particular one took the cake.
There is a particular Manga I like. Character-A (Akito) is friends and rivals with Character-B (Botan). Akito's father is Character-C (Chikao) and Botan's father is Character-D (Daichi). Akito's mother is Character-E (Emiko) and Botan's mother is Character-F (Fumiko). The fandom for a long time didn't know that Fumiko's name was Fumiko. Her name was revealed somtime last year. It was also revealed that Daichi and Emiko are cousins and that Chikao and Daichi's friendship has bigger significance then previously thought. Her death and why she is never seen in the series is also covered. Also revealed in canon was the fact Daichi's hair color had always been the same color.
(No... those actually aren't their names.)
After awhile I went looking for stories dealing with a friendship between Chikao and Daichi. I found a story of the friendship genre for the two that had been published between the particular reveal in question and when I started looking. The fact the story had a slash pairing was clear from the summary despite not having romance listed as one of the genre. I thought to myself that if Chikao and Daicho were bisexual then the story might work well. I also wanted to know how the writer would handle the fact Chikao acts like a pervert in canon and very much in love with Emiko.
The work was a disaster.
The first thing I noticed when I read the story was how out of character both Chikao and Daichi were and how the writer had stripped the two of their masculinity. Chikao was honestly the worse as his character is far more masculine then Daichi. The story started off specifically with Daichi breaking up with Chikao and telling him to stick with Emiko because he had to think things through. Chikao turned into an emotional basket case.
I'll admit here that Chikao has a habit in canon of pretending to be an emotional basket case so his kids won't suspect certain things he is trying to hide from him. Remember when I said Chikao acts like a pervert as well? That is an act as well. Having him act like an emotional basket case says the writer doesn't really know the character. Also... if Chikao was actually an emotional basket case then there was another problem. He acted like your typical masculine basket case and not a teenaged female basket case.
There in lay the problem with the entire story. Both Chikao and Daichi were acting like female teens having the typical angst in regards to their dating lives. As quite a few serious slash writers and readers have told me... we don't read slash fic to read het pairings. We don't read yaoi to read a yuri pairing. Reading characters use words they never would use and do things they would never do with no justification just doesn't feel right.
And no... putting two guys into a slash pairing is not an excuse to strip them of their masculinity. In fact... falling in love is not an excuse to change how any character acts.
There was another issue with the characterization. Both men impregnated Emiko and Fumiko outside of wedlock. While Chikao might have gotten Emiko pregnant outside of wedlock, Honor is important to him. Daichi would not have gotten Fumiko pregnant outside of wedlock. Again... this is an honor thing. It also has to do with his family status as well. It felt like the reason they broke up was because the girls got in the way. That was hard to stomach considering how much both loved their wives in canon.
The characterization wasn't the only problem with the story. Daisuke's wife wasn't called Fumiko. She was called Eloise. She died a different way as well. The writer also got Daisuke's hair color wrong despite the fact canon made it clear his hair was always that color. I told the writer they weren't current with the Manga and that was problematic.
The response I received from the writer started off this way.
“I'm sorry if you don't like it, but you don't have to read it. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.”
A person can't know if they will like something until they read something. I was looking forward to actually reading this story, only to find it to be a major disappointment. I kept the review to the critique of the work and didn't go into the fact I didn't like the story because it was such a major disappointment
Also... I normally would have simply said that the writer started off with the typical “don't like, don't read” excuse. This writer took it farther by bringing up the “gun to your head”. It's true nobody was holding a gun to my head forcing me to read the story. I read the story because the summary intrigued me. You could say that nobody held a gun to my head telling me to review either. As I've already said... it is my right to review said story.
It's more like the writer is trying to hold a gun to my head trying to get me not to write a negative review on their story. Not literally mind you, but figuratively. The site rules for the pit (ffnet) make it clear that critique is allowed. Critique is also a form of legit writing. If a writer decides to publish something then it is the readers right to voice their opinion within the rules of any given site.
“I do realize that this isn't acurate to the manga, but I was basing this off of the anime.”
This line was a shocker. I honestly didn't want to believe that a writer would change the name of a canon character. What makes this writer's name for the character better then the original creators name? In fact... I started asking why they thought a Caucasian name was better then the Japanese name. This statement screamed, “my ideas are better then the original creator”.
The manga has gotten really dark at this point that even I'm having problems stomaching it, but this part of the manga that revealed the background information was really good. The hair I could let slide, but not replacing a canon character with an OC.
“They are both ooc, but I was trying to show how Daicho toughened up on everyone after the death of his wife.”
The first thought I had was why Daicho needed to toughen up. Now that I think of it the writer may have been referring to how cold Daicho is now in canon. They indicated though that Daicho's personality used to be emotional and angst ridden. On top of this there was no character growth in the story. An adult shouldn't act like a hormonal teen. Add to this the fact we are shown Daicho's character personality before he met Chikao. He didn't need to toughen up and showing how he toughened up when it wasn't need to was an insult to the original creator.
“I know that her name isn't Eloise in the manga, but it is in my story.”
Again... this is a rather flippant attitude to the original creator.
“As I said before, if you don't like it, don't read it, and don't post a review.”
Yup. They told me I wasn't allowed to post reviews to their story. Mind you... they eventually blocked me after a few PM exchanges because they didn't like being called out.
Their next response was rather long and was cut off in the e-mail from which I retrieved it, but here is the jest of the second PM I received from this person.
“If you would like to post some corrective criticism, I would love that.”
It's constructive criticism and I pointed out plenty of places where they needed to improve. Emasculating male characters isn't cool. Replacing canon characters with your OC isn't cool either, nor is acting like canon doesn't matter.
“What I don't want from you, random person on the internet, is for you to just be rude to me.”
I don't feel I was rude. Stripping male characters of their masculinity to make them gay is insulting. So is doing what she did to a canon character. To her this is a game and she's honestly the one being rude. This is why serious slashfic writers can't have their critique. People like this writer act like absolute brats. Sorry... but that is honestly how she is acting. She has no room to talk either with a comment about a gun to the head and telling me that I'm not allowed to leave negative reviews on her story. She acted like a prima dona.
“People post on this website for a number of reasons, I like writing mainly about Botan, so I post those stories here.”
This has nothing to do with the story in question as Botan never made an appearance. I'm going to add here that the reason she posts stories to the website isn't because she likes writing about Botan. She posts because she wants those positive reviews, but she doesn't wish to work for them. Looking through all of her stories all of them have horrible prose. All of the characters are out of character. Some read more like original fiction then fanfiction.
Can I say again that the reason she gives for her posting isn't actually a reason?
“I posted this story about Daicho and Chikao because I thought it was a good idea.”
It was. Problem is said story was poorly executed because the writer thinks it is OK to make the characters OoC and screw with canon however she wants without being called out for it.
“I have got messages from people stating that they liked it, but I really don't care if you do or don't.”
The writer re-posted the story after receiving a review telling them to remove the song lyrics from their story. There is a chance they received reviews on their previous story besides this... but they specifically state “messages” and not reviews. I was the first person to review this story and I wouldn't call her stories popular. People also don't tell writers they like via private messaging except, very, very rarely. So... I don't believe her.
And then she pulls this line out.
“I game Daicho's wife the name Eloise without the purpose of offending you. I gave her this name because to me (not to you) it makes more sense that she would be American given Botan's pale skin color.”
Yup. The writer majorly upped the offensiveness here. She just said “her version” of canon makes more sense then the original creators version of canon. She then followed up with something that is very raciest. Fact of the matter is a proper Japanese lady prides themselves for their pale skin. There are other characters in the series who look far more Eurasion then Botan as well. I don't think this one can be excused by "didn't do their research either".
“If you wanted to know why I made them ooc, you could've asked me, and we could have avoided this (fucking) annoying conversation, but I realize that you aren't really listening to me about why I made the story this way.”
First off... I did listen to why they made the characters OoC. I told them that their reason was a load of bull and didn't count as a legit reason for making the characters OoC. Second... they seem to be under the impression that making the characters OoC is an art form, when in reality what it showcases is not the writers creativity, but instead the writers laziness. It's one thing when a character acts differently because of an actual logical reason, but another when the writer does it just because or because of some illogical reason. Actually... I kind of wonder if she made up the reason on the spot.
“Also, I wasn't trying to effeminate gay men either.”
The writer certainly wasn't trying not to do this. The word is also emasculate as well. For someone complaining about me not listening they sure weren't doing this.
“In this story ( if you actually read it with an open mind) you would've realized that I had both Chikao and Daicho bi-sexual, which is very different than likilng men.”
So? What does this have to with stripping male characters of their masculinity? This doesn't change the fact that their behavior makes no sense.
“I am very offended that you are saying that I'm against gays, because I'm not.”
I'm offended that she accuses me of something I never said. Striping male characters of their masculine traits is a serious issue though. This is where this one got cut off as well. Oh... and talk about being hypocritical... complaining about me not listening to what they had to say... only to not bother listening to what I had to say.
Here is their next PM, which again ended cut off in the e-mail.
“1. Wow, that was looong.”
Translation: I don't care to read what you've got to say, but you've got to listen to me and agree with me because I'm obviously right. I'm allowed to write long PMs to you, but you need to keep yours short and to the point. Oh... and let us not forget the fact you're not allowed to leave negative reviews on my story because I say so.
“2. You just keep stating the same stuff over and over again.”
I think that is in part because you didn't listen to me and kept trying to blow me off. I actually added some new materials.
“3. Not trying to be raciest, also (in my crazed mind, not yours) I think Boton might have some German in him...”
This is actually possible. However... this does not justify doing what the writer did to the original creators character.
“4. Slow your roll, it's just an anime.”
This comes from the person who tossed a canon character because they felt they knew better then the original creator. This comes from the person who also doesn't get that stripping any male character of their masculine traits just to slash them is wrong.
“5. Most people post on stories because they like them or they don't, not because their trying to be some type of art critic when their actually an annoying highschool (collage?) girl or boy, I really don't care to know. (oh, sorry. What that stereotyping?)”
I believe I guessed they weren't out of high school yet. I also likely told them that their behavior was annoying and immature, but I didn't call them an annoying high school student from what I remember. (Hey... I can't access my side of the PM.)
I for goodness sakes hope that an adult doesn't act how this writer is. That's why they tossed in the bit about high school and college thinking that it would be an awesome comeback to insult me with. Instead they made themselves look worse off.
I can't call this a stereotype either. Why? Well... calling a high school student annoying may be a stereotype, but how many people slap that label on collage students? Nobody.
Oh... and if I recollect they told me “don't like, don't review”. They're being a hypocrite again. Quite sure I told them critique is allowed and they're not allowed to say no. Well... they can block me like they did. Doesn't change the fact they've said they are above critique.
“6. (More of a side note) Most of my words may be spelt wrong ( I can't spell to save my life)”
1. What does this have to do with the conversation we were having? Perhaps when I called them for switching emasculate and effeminate. That though is no spelling error.
2. Have they ever heard of spell check?”
3. Some of the errors they make are ones they should be able to catch.
“7.) When I say “constructive critism”, I mean critism that may help me, not make me emo. (Oh, sorry again... stereotyping...)”
Translation: I only want comments that make me feel good.
I gave this writer constructive criticism and some serious critique at that. Part of their problem is they don't want to believe there is anything wrong with their writing. On the other hand they are posting to get reviews that praise them no matter what they slap together. They don't care how this effects other people on the site. (You know... like the serious slashfic writers who can't get nice critique because some silly, hormonal fangirls act like they do.”
Oh... and throwing a tantrum because your feelings got hurt for a few minutes doesn't count as being emo. That's another issue in fanfiction... the way young writers go about portraying emo culture.
“8.) I think I might have said this already, but just incase I didn't, I really don't give a shit if you like it or not.”
The writer only wants positive reviews and has very much made it clear that if a person doesn't like, they shouldn't review. It doesn't matter if the reader was excited about the possibilities of the piece only to be deeply disapointed.
I wonder though if they really didn't care. They tried convincing me I was wrong, so they must care somewhat.
“9. Sorry if words such as shit or fuck offend you.”
Congratulations on proving your immaturity. I don't feel that cursing is a part of polite conversation. Sometimes though and explicative is needed to emphasize a point. In this particular case the writer is using curse words to try and make themselves sound mature. I guess that's the best way to put it. They were trying really hard to come up with a numbered list, so I must have had a numbered list in my last response. Or not.
“10. I wasn't trying, at any point in these fics, to come off as egotistical.”
They then decide to prove their point with a quote of their story. Sadly said quote is actually quite egotistical. To explain the jest of the quote... the person claimed they weren't egotistical and that they just felt like the world was out to get them... so people should over look their behavior.
Truth of the matter is the writer didn't come across as egotistical. I reviewed with high hopes the writer could grow and become a better writer. They haven't. The ego issue that I believe I called them on started in the PMs. They were still unable to not come across as having an ego problem in the last PM.
That was where that PM ended, but the story isn't quite ended. This writer had a defended on their story.
First... the writer admitted that they were not current with the manga. They then went on to say that nothing was right about the review I posted. Yup... not even the comment about how someones wife wasn't named Eloise was not correct.
Second... they felt what they called a small bit of OoCness was justified and that the characters were masculine. They have a story under their favorites that justifies in the summary the character Bokan becoming an emotional basket case because he became a vampire.
Third... they felt the characterization matched up with the Anime. Quite a bit of the characterization though in question does stem from the Anime, including Bokan being conceived out of wedlock.
This is why serious slash writers can't have nice things. The silly, hormonal fangirls are absolute brats and think the world owes them something. I don't think I'm the only one who doesn't like dealing with these girls. I mean... I don't mind dealing with a rabid fanbrat every so often. I can deal with a few coming and going.
But an avalanche of these writers kicking and screaming that I'm... well... being a bully for calling them out for their problematic writing habits and even certain immature behaviors they need to kick when I'm not. I can't do that on my own.
What's really sad about this is I really feel that the serious slashfic writers are one of the most under appreciated groups in the fanfiction community as well as one of the ones that picks up some of the worst flack for the behaviors of others writing the same things as they do. I know some young slash writers are going to throw a tantrum at some of the things I've said. Perhaps a few though may see this and instead see how selfish their behavior has been and the kind of negative effect they've had on other people.
Note: I purposefully did not use the names of the characters from the fandom for a reason. As much as I honestly felt disgusted with this particular writers behavior I really don't want to single them out by mentioning the name they write under or the name of the fanfic they wrote. If a person is smart enough to figure out who it is from reading this then fine. I hope it is no easy task.
On a second note... I think some of the more serious slashfic writers should try taking a writer they feel is promising under their wing. The slasfic writer that approached me was thrilled believe it or not to find out they didn't have to put lemons in their story and could keep the sex scenes to minimal detail and instead focus instead on plot and other creative elements I knew they were more interested in.
I think some of these younger writers need to be told that many of the people reading their stories really don't read them because they care about the story, but because they are using them as a way to get their latest fad. They'll be gone sooner or later. They should be encouraged to write pieces that draw in a more positive audience.
This all though may be wishful thinking on my part.