I stumbled into HP fandom quite accidently, right after reading HBP. I found fan fiction, and loved it. I eventually read a story so good that it inspired me to begin writing. Had it not been for that, I never would have known how much I enjoy writing. I'm sure this is the story of many people in fandom (whatever fandom they belong to). But I never thought about how cyclical it is. Through my writing, I'm inspiring others, which inspires me even more. I write because it's something I enjoy doing. It absolutely freaks me out that people not only like to read what I've written, but that my work makes them want to create new things as well. Of course, we're all inspired by the genius of J.K. Rowling. ;)
So here's a picture by Kajsa, who read my fic, "The Awakened Sleeper," and was inspired to create something of her own. Comments are welcomed and will be passed on to Kajsa!
ETA: LJ is strange. I posted this entry after the doctor's office entry, but it freaked out and said that the time stamp said I was trying to post them out of order. Screwy LJ...