Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
I won't scan this pic because I would never put such a horrible picture of myself on the web. EVER. However, I will describe it for you. The picture was taken while I was in college. I didn't stay on campus, but occasionally I would stay on campus for the weekend with a friend of mine. On one of those nights, we ordered a pizza. I was comfy in my bright pink nightshirt with duckies on it, and my hair in a sleep cap. Just as I was taking a huge bite of pizza, my friend snapped a picture of me. So I have a picture of myself looking ridiculous and taking an embarrassingly huge bite of pizza. WORST. PICTURE. EVER. It doesn't really make me mad (or sad, but it probably should), but I couldn't think of any other picture to post that fits the criteria.
ETA: HP fans, go watch
this right now. Hilarious!