For ages now I have been moaning about my lack of Sylar related dreams! Lol, I mean why does everyone else seem to get them and not me Lol!
Especially after reading both
ilovetbag24 and
lacrymosa_star lovely dreams, well I kinda had my first Sylar related dream last night!
It was in fact really odd, somehow I was with dear
ilovetbag24 and
lacrymosa_star and we were sat (at one point on a car Lol) anyway from what I can remember, we were sat watching the new series of Heroes, which was itself very odd....anyway before I know it somehow we aren't just watching Heroes, we are actually in the new series of Heroes!
As expected (from what I can recall) the new series of Heroes was exceedingly Sylar-centric.......anyway like I said we were all sat on top of a car??¿¿ and Sylar came up to us, then I remember having to get off the car and get something, and for some odd reason I think Peter was there!?!
Anyway I was then woken up my Mum to get up for work! Blah!
I think thats what I get for eating chocolate at midnight! Lol