Okay so after a small tear was forced into my heart earlier this summer *coughevancough* I decided the best way to move past him is to completely immerse myself into Harry Potter again. Because after all, this is the Summer of Harry Potter. Not to mention, Lindsey and I have a whole book release party to plan for Kroger! So we decided together, to move on, that is what we shall do.
And did we ever.
It began (for me) with listening to episodes of MuggleCast nonstop, new and old alike. Then, on one special episode (Episode 88, 04/29/07 to be exact) Andrew [my love] announces PicklePack! Without question, or thought, I immediately joined. (It's a behind the scenes look into the lives of the MuggleCasters; incredibly entertaining). So all of that just FUELED the Harry Adrenaline for me. Then obsessively checking MuggleNet every possible chance. Haha. It really helped to have Lindsey, Nichole, Tristin, Jenny, and Troy around as well to endlessly theorize with.
So that was the beginning.
Then... about... wow I don't even know how long ago it was... Just a few weeks I suppose, it became... OBSESSION. Which I'm totally okay with, by the way. Lindsey and I started hardcore planning and organizing for the party. Which is going to be fuckin' awesome, if only because we're there. Haha. :) And this takes me to the point of my basement: It has turned into flippin' Diagon Alley, I swear it. I have cardboard painted brick wall, an Umbridge portrait, a giant Dark Mark, a white owl statue, Potter costumes, a "Goblet of Fire", toooons of little signs painted ranging from "Little Whinging" to "Ollivanders", paint and paint brushes EVERYWHERE, Harry Potter books - basically, EVERYTHING HARRY POTTER. Not to mention we have way too much furniture in our basement right now so you have to jump over this, climb under that, tap your wand here, just to get to the bathroom. It uproarious actually. So we're geeked to turn Kroger into the Wizarding World. But okay.
Tuesday night. Me, Nichole, Lindsey, and hopefully Tristin, Troy, and Jenny are gathering in my garage to have the last night of Theory Discussion. That will be the most depressing night... Well, aside from actually reading the book. I mean, once it comes out, there's no more - "What if?", "Is he good?", "Why did he say this?", "How did this happen?". There's a list on MuggleNet [
http://mugglenet.com/books/futurebooks/book7/looseends.shtml] called Loose Ends. All the questions pulled together that we're hoping will be answered. And we have spent TWO YEARS asking these and boucning back and forth between possibilities. Oh my God, thinking about it upsets me so much. That has been half the fun! Let's take it back now for you...
To where it all began.
Christmas Morning. 6:00 am. (Forced out of bed by younger siblings). Age: 11. Year: 7th Grade, 1999 (almost 2000). My dad and I have always had a strange relationship. He's a quiet guy. I'm neither. Ha! But I get my hobbies, likes, whathaveyous, from him (photography, Lord of the Rings, animals, technology). Other than that, we're different. We don't talk that much either. But anyways, this takes us to Christmas. My mom buys the gifts. Always. So I'm opening my stocking which is really more like 20 gifts thrown into a huge gift bag because my mom goes crazy. And I pull out "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban". Immediately I'm like, "Oh sweet! I've always wanted to read these, I keep hearing about them!" So from my excitement, my dad beams and says, "I picked that out!" In which my mom turns and shushs him saying, "You mean SANTA?!" (younger siblings). So later on I'm holding my book wanting to start reading right away and my dad's like, "I picked that up the other day. I thought you would like it." And my heart warmed because it was just another reminder that maybe my dad actually does get me and know me better than I thought. So I read it and fall in love. Read the 1st and 2nd. That's all that was out by that point. By summer 2000, I still wasn't up on the internet and news with the bigs; read: I didn't know books could generate so much hype like they have with Pottermania. So by chance, in July my mum had wandered into Sam's Club and saw the 4th book and just picked it up for me! I saw it sitting on the counter waiting for me when I woke up that day. Amazing. It was when the 5th book came out that I had really started getting into the hype. I reserved a copy at Borders and that night you could find me in line, HOURS early, ready to purchase. Although, it took me months to actually finish that one because I dared put it down and still wasn't completely understanding of the depth they had. Two years ago, we had a very-last-minute book release party at Kroger for the 6th one. And by this point I had really immersed myself. Re-read them about 3 times and didn't put the book down unless I had to go to work. As soon as I finished it, I discovered MuggleNet. Read theories for hours on end.
And there you will find me today. Doing... what I'm doing.
I just spent the last two hours clicking through MuggleNet while listening to the most recent MuggleCast (came out today! Episode 99!) and typing this journal.
Harry Potter will be a part of my life until I die. I will pass my first editions onto my kids, complete with notes and side stories that I wrote directly in them. I will say to them, "If you want to understand almost the whole decade of my adolesence/teen years, read these books. They played a bigger role than Lord of the Rings." (And that's saying something. But only because I'm living through all the hype and mania as it happens).
I don't know. Maybe I sound ridiculous. But it's the truth. Before this series, Lord of the Rings was really the only book I picked up for pleasure (once again, because of me dad). And not to mention all the people that I've become great friends with that started out as a "So what did you think about the latest book?' (Read: Lindsey, Nichole, Jenny, etc.) And the people that I know inadvertantly through Pickle Pack and MuggleCast and MuggleNet. Talking with other fans, it brings people from all over the world together. J. K. Rowling should be a Saint. She is mine eyes. Fucking Emerson has had a full-time job because of her for eight and half years! And I just watched him on Geraldo Rivera give an interview simply because he is the man behind MuggleNet! Look at his life! And the MuggleCasters! God, they haven't stopped travelling since summer began! And they won't for about another month because they're doing a Border's tour! (Coming to Detroit on the 29th! HOLLA!) Man, I dunno. Am I the only one who is completely awe-struck everyday when I think about what a book has given to so many of us? A BOOK! I would've have never EVER thought a book could do this. Not in my wildest dreams.
So I leave you know to finish up a few details on decorations for the party and hop into bed with my book and get a chapter or two in before I absolutely need to sleep.
I only hope that one day I can create something that generates such a beloved fan following as this has and change people lives for the better with it.
Your Favourite Fake-Red-Head,
P.S. A fly is buzzing around me and I've never wanted to harm, maim, and murder something more in my entire life because not only is it annoying and well, a BUG, but it's making me question my hygiene even though I just took a shower.