Jun 22, 2004 01:52
so a friend of mine told me that she had measured her boyfriend's penis w/ her hand and later measured it to find out how big it was (8 inches btw...yeah...wow) and i just found it hilarious and felt the need to post about it.
i wanted to post that and a few other more meaningful things...
first to thosde of u that go to school w/ me (or went since we graduated)i cant say that i'm gonna really miss any of u because i still feel like i can see u any time i want and that u're all just a phone call away even if u're not gonna be after this week ::cough:: steph, husani, nathalie, charline ::cough:: i expect some sort of communication tho whether u choose email, lj, snail mail, or even the dreaded telephone....just know i will be expecting it.
for those of u that were never schoolmates of mine or who are just younger than me ::cough:: shannon ::cough:: i would like to see u all and REALLY talk to u. not a "hey how r u" or general "chit chat" i want to sit down w/ each and every one of u and really talk. even tho i've seen u i dont feel like i've talked to u in months. dont think that i dont want to talk, its just that its never the right time. it feels like the only time there's a real opportunity i have to hurry off and do something else. there was a time when all i did was hang out w/ all of u and now it feels like we're more far apart than i ever could've imagined. i miss u and feel free to call me, we need to get together, u know who u are...all of u...
this is getting too mushy and i'm blaming it on the hour...