(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 23:13

The moment I think I need virus software and subsequently download some, I accidentally delete a couple files from my computer that the operating system, uhm, kinda needs.
So I'm thinking I should delete everything and reload the operating system. My laptop's harddrive is teeny weeny [only SIX gigs] so redownloading programs and music wouldn't be difficult at all. I have about ten songs that I need that I could just put on yousendit.com.

Anyone have a spare Windows2000 cd[s] around?

And most people who read my journal are in the dorm, so they can't use downloading programs, but what's the new thing? I've been using Kazaa for, like, ever, and it's been slowing down and hasn't been as helpful when I've needed a song or two.

I need one of these. Shoots a pocket of air.
And I want one of these, too >>

I think they have some at Best Buy for only $5. I definately need it.
Even though it's not for the Nintendo, the shape is classic. And the buttons light up. Shweet.

That's it.
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