yaaaaayyyy... i made waffles this morning..like with a real live waffle iron! maybe not live but.. ohh they were so good now im stuffed ugh i ate 4 1/2 ha. oohhh i'm goin shopping today hurrah. i gotta buy some vday things hmm hmm :) our family always has a valentines day dinner everythings red <3 ohh wow we just got some flowers from my dad deliverd to the house. how sweet, he does it every year. i got a pink rose kristin got a yellow and casey got purpley pinkish color pretty pretty... :)
errgg my mom wants me to go to sandy dawsons (costume maker/designer, works for springer alot... family friend) to i guess just ,go sit and watch kristin put on dresses and things..fun... but then we would go to the mall and probly meet up w/ lindsey yay i dont wanna get dressed, im gonna bum it :) i got bored eariler today i sent some people and email card thing i wanted to send more but sadly i only know some peoples im and not email but ohh well.. they were soo cute probly nothin but the words are gonna show up but oh well
■♥Lovers & *rFOñdʆ ♥■
love always Sara :)
if this doesnt show up it was a pic of two flamingos making the shape of hearts :)