Jan 23, 2005 17:34
wow alotta stuff has happend nothing terrible or excitingly eventful but stuff
Writing Test
ok.. this was what the 19th? yeah ohhhh i was SO mad at myself i messed up. i didnt read the promt right and did it worng. i was in a bad mood the rest of the day. i was almost at the point of crying thinkin i wasnt going to get into eather, an honors or ap lit class but my mom reasured me that thats not all they look at and the honors program will determine that.
+ health status +
basically i feel like crap. i think somethin is going around. i have like the worst, on and off, soar throat and a runny nose. ugh. my mom just gave me a simprex i hope it works. my temp is sooo weird right know like w/an average of 96 but i guess that because of my hoshimotos (thyroidis) or whatever, but yeah my dad is sick too. im kinda used to feeling...not my best, its like normal.
yayayay!!! its almost over!!!! yessssssssss all i have is two more games and one competition (regional) which we dont even compete at :) omgoodness last competition was awesome!! we got first! it was the funnest! ------ this guy was at the competition was there for his sister (it was in albany by the way) and he was takin pictures while we were posing for our parents to take pictures. only me and a few other ppl saw that. but as normal we were driving home,and as normal summer (hale) was acting crazy. she put a squishy pillow in her shirt and was singin-im havin a baaaby, made by two. it was funny. but while she was doing that a guy driving down the road took a picture of her! everybody was laughin sooo hard they went past us (we were on like the highway). then, we were next to em again and the guy was stickin his head out the window smiling and waving like crazy. after everyone had slammed to one side of the bus, faces plasterd agaist the window he stuck out a peice of paper with his number on it. we called it. he ended up being 14. we were on our way to cracker barrel and laney (who was talkin on the phone w/him) told him to go there. and he did! lol. he ate luch with us and after taking pictures, gettin numbers and email adresses (not mine), he left how exciting! it was funny.
we left cracker barrel and got in the bus. it was just boring as usual but then a loud wind noise caught everyones attention. we all looked up and the emergancy hatch was open (not all the way like popped up to let air in) and then very unexpectedlly it flew off! everyone screamed. the car behind us had to swerve to dodge it. still on the highway, we pulled over and laurens mom who was driving about 60 yards behind us pulled over too. she jumped out of the car and went to pick up the top thingy. we stayed there about a second talking about it. and didnt even notice the buzzing noise, until about 30 min later, that happend when an emergangy exit is broken or open. it was so great i loved that comp, we won! (out of 4 jv teams in case your wondering)
current stuff
i am LOVING american idol oh yes!! awesomeness!! the eagles just beat the falcons like a few seconds ago befor typing this. i really didnt expect alt to win. but i was still cheerin for them. sadly (besides phantom) there are no worth seeing movies as far as ive seen. me and tyler and lindsey and ben and chelsea and jenny went to go see In Good Company. it was kinda boring sadly. i mean it was ok but.... me and tyler talked the whole time seriously. jenny totally makes me smile while the boys were gettin popcorn and drinks me and jenny were laughing soooo hard. at the beginging of the movie this happend-- guy 1: that was PFG! Guy 2: what is that? Guy 1: (serious) pretty feakin good, pretty freaking good... hillarious. i still had my hair in dookie balls (two messy buns) from the competition, and i had white ribbons in it. out of the cornner of my eye i saw something i thought it was like a person so i turned my head really quick it was scary, but...lol..... it was my ribbon .heh. after the movie we (me linz and tyler) went to burger king and saw lovely emily!!! <3 you!
PARKS BROKE HIS COLLAR BONE ON HIS BIRTHDAY OMGGGOOSSSHHHH i was sooo worried they gave him like five extreamly powerful pain killers including morphene!! it was at his boys spend the night party i hope he is ok!! it was friday, my mom had to go to the house to watch the boys, while my dad parks and paul and diane were at the emergancy room they didnt get home until 4am sad sad sad sad sad im praying for him! i have to get braces i swear i know im gonna cry. i have big teeth and it looks okay w/o braces, but with em, omg.. i already feel self concious! i seriously will lose all self esteem and feel extreamly ugly no matter what :( i get them next tuesday
on a better note i found out i made 8th grade superlative yay! me and tyler are great, and well thats it... hmm im soo tired