college is getting better.
and i feel like i'm finally making friends.
and that i finally know people.
but it's still not the same.
there's not the ease of conversation even with the new people i've met that i feel most comfortable around.
it's not bad here. i'm not going to say that it is.
but it's just really not the same.
i miss knowing excactly who i'm going to hang out with.
and knowing that there's always someone to call if i want a smoke and a good talk...
and someone that i can completely be myself around who will love me anyway...
and knowing there's something you can do on a saturday night with a bunch of people I really want to be around...
i miss those things. a lot.
i'm enjoying myself here a lot more than i was at first.
even my roommates are better.
and im not having a bad time.
i just sort of feel like i'm missing something.