(zhao rong's fb)
VIETNAM HUMANITIES TRIP WAS AWESOME. successful indeed. Come back enriched!
I really learnt alot from the vietnam trip i must say. Although for it ended quite expectedly but i think i deserve it. Well , most importantly is i wont repeat that mistake again. The trip was awesome. I do miss the times where we joke on the buz everybody calling me mamali and me happily being a mother of the bus. Being extremely hardworking when the tour guide is talking.
missing the tons of seafood we eat everyday. The hot weather. And everything. The luxury of life we had, the queenly life we spend and how pampered we were throughout the trip. I never had a day of rest. Shall type out my schedule all e way to 30th since i come back from spore. doing my vietnam's trip reflection now
21st nov- slept at 2am emptied my luggage and had a nice bath
22nd nov- organize the things i bought and went to mandie's house @ 5pm for stay over and passed pak her souvenirs
23rd nov- woke up at 7 am to have breakfast with her. At cousin's house now
planning for tmr until 30th
24th , 25th nov( davao ppl back!) - Celebrating birthday with friends and families
25th nov- my fifteenth birthday C:
26th - Vietnam's trip debrief @ 8 am
27th-30th-GB CAMP.
Gonna only upload viet's photos when i'm bk from gb camp.