Sep 04, 2008 22:14
Went to a Lisa Marie Presley concert November 17, 2006 at the Red Robinson casino in Vancouver....
The guy that opened the show played a pretty good set-about 4 or 5 songs. Shane Alexander--played some really nice acoustic music, similar to that of Jack Johnson. But moving on...
The show was AWESOME--Lisa sounded even better live then in her albums, which is hard to believe. My 2 sisters and my friend went, we had made signs that said "where's Danny?" (her bass player and ex-husband)--LMP laughed and said "to answer your question he's at home with the kids!"
She opened with I'll Figure it Out, and it was an awesome way to start the show!
About the second song in, she said "I'm a rebellious person, so I want everyone to come up front if they want" or something like that. So of course we were right at the stage, about 6 feet away from the band!!
My sister and I yelled out "Lockwood's hot!" (lead guitar player and LMP's husband) a couple of times, the first time he kind of looked up then away, the next time, Lisa nudged him and said "Say thanks!" LMAO it was hilarious! I got her guitar pick, my sister got Lockwoods
My friend had a sign that said "We all know that **** is king" from dirty laundry, so when she sung it, she smiled, poined, and gave us the thumbs-up! Plenty of high-fives also!! She was very chatty in between songs as well
INDIFFERENT--EXCELLENT song! I think that us fans made it a favorite-the live version anyway. Lisa said about it: "Once again, its about a failed relationship (pauses) NOT the one you'd think!" She was very humble, and almost seemed shy about our praise and shout-outs! Also had some funny stories about Canada, people that said hello or good afternoon or just not hassling her, ad being from LA, she said she didn't really know what to do like "What do you want?" And about a time when she was touring and the plane was at a low pressure, and she was feeling tired and sick, so when she went to do her high katare kick, it was just a little foot wave! She said that her mum was making fun of her for the rest of the night!
My friend got a M&G, which was lucky! But she got my magazine signed and made out to me, and I'm just happy about everything right now.
TURBULENCE-- what an EXCELLENT song, my favorite! It was loud intense and sounded amazing, as usual we all sang along! It wasn't like the acoustic version, it was more like on the album, but live (DUH lol!)
SINKING IN was wonderful. We sang along to every song!
When she sang THANX, Lisa said that she wasn't going to sing it right away, or at all (I can't quite remember) BUT because we were so into it, she sais she was re-inspired to perform it! And when she sang the lines "here my sweet friends a few lines of poetry" line (I think that was it), she looked at all of us at front and pointed.
She played LIGHTS OUT, saying "now I won't complain about singing this song tonight because you're such a great crowd" and it was excellent--sounded just like the album version, only better.
EXCUSE ME, and HIGH ENOUGH were great songs to slow it down a bit, and they were so well done!
Lisa broke out the guitar!! And told a funny story about a robbery and snipers in Victoria--its usually such a quiet, pretty place!
I HATE MYSELF FOR LOVING YOU was right on par, if not a little bit better than Joan Jett's version, but I'm a little biased lol!
There were a few people in Elvis jackets and shirts, one person yelled "Elvis", another kept requesting "Nobody Noticed It" So we yelled at that guy that she doesn't do that, and to watch the show. Plus there was a drunk, fat woman that kept pushing us and saying "I gotta get closer; rhis is my chance to see Elvis!" Pff retard. But I talked to a couple that was there after the concert, and they said that they only went because they were in town and wanted to see a show, and that they were sorry they hadn't listened to her before, because she was so good, and we intense fans were having such a blast!
It was such an amazing show: great music, a great singer and band, and it was just full of energy. I recommend that everyone checks out LMP's music or catches the next live show