How do I cope with depression? By watching a frantic, messy, violent sport, of course. I need something to get me through the two weeks until the MLS season starts and the 38 days until the MLB season starts.
I can't stop watching this goal:
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It's totally hilarious to get into a sport using fandom, since I'm learning about players through slash and picspams of who's hot. And the Staal family is already my kryptonite, because there is nothing I love more than siblings who play the same sport. (See: Kljestans, Valentins, Holdens, Rapinoes.)
Also, the world clearly needs a Generation Kill hockey AU in which Brad is always chirping guys with his wit and the other guys are too flustered to even realize they're being insulted half the time except for Ray, who just laughs and chirps back, leaving Brad first amazed and then attracted and soon they're fucking in the hallways in arenas. Right?