Love mankind, hate sin.

Jan 19, 2010 23:13

I love how when America goes to pass a bill for a select group of people for their liberties that it's slightly enforced on all the people even if it doesn't apply to them and becomes the thing to or an absolute must by everyone.

We're all a bunch of sheep or robots. Maybe we're robot sheep.

And I feel that states have no state liberty anymore. It's like what goes for one state must go for all states, even if doesn't apply to us.

We are all musketeers, all for one, one for all, but what if all of us aren't for those things. Shouldn't we have the liberty to say we disagree? We don't have to fight about it; I just don't see why that might have to be enforce on us if it doesn't apply to us, or if it sort of applys why we dont have the right to say no, if they say yes.

I am opposed to homosexual marriage, because the sanctity of marriage is compromised and family is not the same. The sanctity of two different chromosones coming together to become one attracting the opposite person and creating another human being to walk this earth and be a better person than the people were before them. The beauty of family, how a son looks up to his father, a girl calls for her daddy when she's scared, the way a boy ones to take care of his mother when she's old and how a small girl wants to look just as pretty as her mom does when she's all dressed up.

Some would say this is romantiscism. It used to be reality. It used to be the way it was, the way it has always been and life was a better place. If homosexual marriage is passed I don't know what I'd do. I would say I'd move to another country in protest but most countries have it legal or on the way, yes?
All I can say is, just because I don't belive it's right, doesn't mean you have to lock me up in prison for believing something's different.
You don't lock up someone for thinking buddhism or muslim or mormon or thinking green is wrong or different or stupid. So why would you for thinking homosexual marriage is wrong?
It's just my belief.
I'm not trying to find ways to hurt them, murder them, or mess up their business. I'm not brutalizing or abusing them.
I find this nothing similar to the racial things that happened.
That was human being against someone who looked different.
This is families against breaking up families.
When you think about it, it all comes down to families.
Single people really don't care. They don't care about pro-life because they don't have someone to care about, someone to provide for.
It's the ones with families, the ones with people they actually care about.
Gays may say they care about each other, but in all reality all they care about is how good they feel in the bedroom, no offense. It's all about sexual pleasure. Maybe they want to have families one day, but I mean what's gonna happen? The kid is going to choose their favorite dad or favorite mom, split family in seconds, if you ask me. The kid won't have the other member of the species to go to.
A woman gives that comfort feeling, that perfect touch.
A man is strong and the leader, he is the husband.
They are so different from one another, yet they complement each other.
It's hard to explain this one to people who don't want to accept it.
I'm sure many could say the same thing to me.
I do not hate homosexuals. I am friends with two of them @ work. They're very nice guys. They have much to offer, but I think they'd have more to offer if they could see themselves as men and not the way they do. One of them says he is married on a lesbian woman, so he won't have to worry about people thinking he is gay and turning him off. Why is he afraid of people knowing, I must ask, and it makes not much sense to me because the moment he walks or talks you know it. He's hiding it. Why?
Why do people hide things? People tend to hide things because there's this deep underlining feeling that something isn't right or because they're afraid of what others think.
I don't know why I'm going on about this. Maybe cuz I just found out a friend of mine I grew up with in elementary in a Godly home is now a lesbian...and I never saw it coming. How on earth did that happen? What is it that makes people desire something that is the same as them? Maybe they're trying to find someone similar to themselves to either boost up their confindence or to boost their own ego.
For me it's different all the way. I am so glad that my lover, my man, my one-day-will-be-husband, is a man, has something I don't have, that he has much to offer as a male member of the species and that I as a female have much to offer to him and that we complement each other and are in harmony.
I'll be sad if that bill is passed, but if it can be repealed, I say all things are possible with my Jesus and I will fight it to perserve the sanctity of marriage and family.
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