ke kinda busy..

Apr 21, 2010 20:03

Okay, gonna make this update quick cos i need to iron clothes! zzzzzZZZ (but its gonna be a freaking long one too..)

OH say hello to snoopy! ben's dog. haha he's the cutest thing on earth la! (apart from meyer)

Damn cute right! how can u not love him. haha he's meyer's good friend now. so is chelsie. Jas's pretty dog!

Ben's been really nice. he brings meyer and i to the dog farm at least twice in the last 2 weeks alr. (and i feel damn bad cos meyer sheds ALOT of fur. so everytime aft we head to the dog farm, he needs to send his car for vacuuming haha) but anyhow... here's one of the day that we went with jas.. Having 3 dogs in One car is not easy! haha but its so fun! i think meyer looks forward to every sunday  now. tee hee hee.

me and my handsome boy. how can u not love him too. :)

Okay next up. BIRTHDAYS.
duno why got so many the last one month. haha

Poor robin. kena bullied and humiliated by us in school. haha we totally hijacked him in lecture!!

Love these ppl! :)

oh by the way, all the pictures here are taken with my Canon S90. look at the ones below  taken without flash at night. ARE THEY AWESOME OR WHAT! hahaha the focus and the clarity also damn good loh pls. (check out the snoopy pictures and the erotic masssage pictures above and u will know what i mean!)

k back to the point. haha so we went to wavehouse at sentosa.

and i swear their nacho's are heavenly!!!!
omg. must try, or die not trying!!!!  wed got one for one deals btw.. super worth it!! so go try! :)

then it was weesiang's bday! :)
we went Top one. hmm. nv really liked singing outside (cos i think waste money.. haha but i guess its okay once in a while.) and gg with my sec school peeps is usually damn fun. cos we sing westlife till there's no end! hahaha old school fever man.

check out wee's gf. haha all of us happily posing she still singing. O.o haha she's one VERY strange girl. totally freaked jas and i out that night. and i shall not elaborate why. hahaha

Love them too! :)

then quite some time back was shane's bday.
also another time of sabo-ing... surprised him at his place and loads of make up on him. haha

than this was some time back too... the guys waited for me to end work at the IT fair, and we headed down to yellow jello! i realise everytime i hang out with the TMMJ ppl, we always end up at diana's hse for a sleep over. hahaha

and same ppl again.... we wenr rollerblading! (on a few occassion actually)
okay, this was at least a month back. but worth remembering! cos i fell once after saying that i havent fell before during blading. (even ice skating..) but i'm proud to say, i fell once after blading toooo fast down the slope. HEH.

mann... i wish i had another month.. or at least more time before i leave for the US. everyone is busy with their exams etc... by the time they're done, i only have 2 weeks before i leave. and that sucks. i dont have enough time to meet up with my gf, friends and fattty.
oh wells...

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