The Shape of Things to Come
Professional and personal change are stressed this November, and it's better to be bold and take the initiative than to stand still and simply react. You find yourself more comfortable in your own skin now, making you more alluring to others.
Interesting, no?
Here are the highlights:
We celebrated 29 years of marriage on Sunday.
We did Thai for dinner on Saturday afternoon.
I handed out candy on Saturday night.
The boys had their annual "Halloween" RP on Sunday.
I have two pieces to post/finish for LT. I have other characters creeping into my head.
I need to get with a couple of RP buddies to sort a few things out.
I have the Monday drill to do. It's a recycling week.
No idea what I'll fix for dinner. I'll think of something.
I have this much progress achieved in NaNoWriMo
763 / 50000 words. 2% done! It'll be posted somewhere or other.