First, I heard about the mini city thing from
ladybast. If you click the link, you help me boost my little city's population level. Thank you!
So, has anyone else heard the fuss about Chelsea Clinton telling a guy the answer to his question was none of his business?
Come on, Chelsea, you are out on the campaign trail for mom and supposed to be making her look good not coming off like a snarky bitch. Yes, she had every right to tell the guy it was none of his business, BUT... anything a President or potential President does in the public eye is subject to scrutiny. Frankly, if I had been in her shoes, I think I would have told him that Hillary showed no weakness during the Monica Mess. Hillary tried to protect her daughter as best she could and she was loyal to her husband, whether or not he deserved it. Now, what happened behind closed doors that IS none of his business. Frankly, if Monica didn't go bragging about who she was blowing to her taping recording not friend, nobody would have been any the wiser.
To the guy that asked... Don't you have a better question to ask? I mean really, people MIGHT be asking in their own circles, you might have asked a question on a lot of people's minds, but really ... Lewinski is old news, LET IT GO, there are more important things to worry about!!
I have one disc of
Sherlock Holmes remaining to watch. I'm starting it up now. I have a few odds and ends to attend to around the house. 1 AM and I'm folding clothes and what not. Sorted a pile of stuff to go back in the youngin's room.
Dinner ended up to be burgers and fries. I need to separate and freeze the hamburger. Not sure if making the meat pie or sausage. Might hit the store for shredded cheese or have Tom to it and make my own version of the pie.
Need to call the bank and check on deposits and balance. Hopefully, getting ready to kick the IRS mess in the ass a bit.
Barring rain, Thursday should be a good day to get to work in the yard. Tuesday can be used for dumping the fridge, laundering the throw rugs and mopping the kitchen floor. I figure I can toss the meat pie into cook before doing either job and it would be left to warm after cooking.
Need to have a long chat with my dear son. Since his work schedule has been changed to help accommodate his forthcoming school schedule, if I set up dental appointments on Tuesday or Thursday, he can drop me off and pick me up at the office or the library, which is open late on those nights.
Need to get the paving sand so Kevin and Tom can work on the walkway out to the game building. Also need to get a roll of screening so Tom can repair the screen again. Need to measure the windows that we no longer have screens for.
I have a few writing projects that I would like to get moving on.