I'll be a lot of things, but mostly, I feel tired. The boys are out back in the game room being it's a holiday. I'm going to stay in my little hidey hole today. I'm not up for the scrolling words on the chat screen and those cursor stealing ads. Ugh. My head hurts and that will make it worse. :(
For some time, I was trying to remember the name of an audiobook that I enjoyed that was part of a series. Well, kids, having a journal does indeed pay off! While tagging my entries from Aug 2004, I found it. The series is by
Andrew Greeley and is about a character called Nuala Anne McGrail. There are at least four other books in the series. Nuala Anne is fey, you see, hence my attraction to the book.
I'm going to fend off this foul mood that's brewing and go create something beautiful.