Received a card from
chelle_liz with a beautiful sparkling snowflake on it! Thank you! :)
Also received an adorable card from
llignissam. Thank you! :)
Apparently I'm having male-female linguistic disconnections again. I say, "Bibittybobbittyboo," and they think I said, "Ishkabibel" Go figure. I don't know... it's like I'm speaking another language and they don't get it. And, apparently, it's not just the men living in my house. Oy vey. Maybe I should start talking to all men like I do my male offspring when he's being a butt. "You... go there.. .do THIS." Seems to work out very well then we don't have the.. "But I thought you said... " issue.
I keep thinking that's Wednesday, but it's not. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
WTF is up with my AOL e-mail that it's apparently not sending out to everyone???
Horoscope for today:
Get outside, get moving! This would be a good time to release some physical energy. You used to enjoy competition when you were a little girl. Remember how exhilarating it was to be the first to race to the finish line at the top of the hill, or to win the biggest prize bag of candy? You will find your life greatly enriched if you can find a way to re-kindle similar types of feelings...
So why does that scare me?
I still have 8 things to prepare for Christmas mailing.
Never did get the car to the shop on Tuesday and those plans are now changed until Thursday.
I need to call my dentist, I think lost part of a filling out of stupidity.
So, I need to rest... I have a story or two percolating in my head. I keep waffling back and forth between wanting to bring my favorite character back into live play and killing her off. A lot of the joy in playing that character has faded. I really wonder if that's what the horoscope was talking about... find that feeling again.