The Daily Complaint

Nov 07, 2006 16:32

I have written 3671 words of fiction between 1 and 5 November. Not a whole lot compared to some, but pretty good for me.

So.. apparently there are still strange people out there that add, delete, add, delete. Go figure. And why is it that sort of annoying git that thinks it's their God, Allah... or whoever's given right to just drop into people's lives. How much do you want to bet they are the first to get outraged when ask for their motivation? Come now.. there are better and more intelligent sounding reasons than "because I can."

It's not that I don't like meeting people and it's not that I won't add new people to my friends list, it's simply this: if you can't tell me at least one reason why you'd like to know me or at least one thing we have in common (my interest list is a good place to start) then I really question the motivation of your actions.

Post all the FAQs you like, but all you are doing is:

  1. making yourself look foolish

  2. giving the appearance that you are a stalker

  3. showing that you are a jackass.

Oh, yes, I have heard the whines of:

  1. You can ban me

  2. You can block me

  3. You can shut off notifications

  4. You can screen posts

  5. You can block anonymous users

  6. You can make all your posts readable to friends only.

But you know what? Why is it that the legal and other systems do more to enable the stalkers than to protect the victims? I'm not saying I'm a victim. I am, however, saying that Caller ID and other such things are only programmed to perform certain tasks. If the caller changes their number, the LJ user gets another journal or the IM user gets another handle to use it to bother/annoy, etc., people that have blocked the ones they want no contact with, that's called stalking, kids.

People should not have to live in fear because some asshole gets it into their head to make it their life's work to be a nuisance.  I'm sure some of the people that RP with me know the exactly type of person/people that I am talking about. People that won't take no for an answer when they persist in pressing others for IM RP, the ones that keep making up new SNs just so they can get past the blocks we set up... and so on.

I mean really... why is it that when someone is told, "leave me alone," or in the less polite fashion... "Leave me the fuck alone, you stalking asshole," that they automatically take the position of victim and instead of accepting the fact that THEY are the one with the problem they lay the situation at the feet of the person saying go away and say... "So, block me."

Assholes... Karma is a nasty bitch, you really don't want to meet her.

So... if you'd like to add me as a friend, cool. Drop a comment, say hello, tell me what you find interesting or ask what you'd like to know.. Stop acting like some spy or one of the MIBs. If you aren't interested in my journal enough to do that, then just walk on by.

livejournal, writing, bitching

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