First of all, Happy Halloween to all of you. Merry Samhain to those that celebrate it.
Being a Muppet fan, I found
this amusing. Some people might be offended by by the weirdos things. Those that know me well, though, would just be thinking they are getting in the boat with me. ;)
Last year I participated in NaNoWriMo, but this year I won't be. I discovered that while I can write 50,000 plus words in a month, it's not necessarily on the same subject or in the same story. While I do have plans to write in at least three different fiction projects as well as writing in my journals, I am going to try to make use of my time, that I'm not cleaning house, etc., to read and work on my crafts. I have several projects I want to work on.
It's 2:39 so, I'm going to go soak my feet and watch
The Lake House.
Movie was good, thought provoking. Definite chick flick.
7:36 PM
Ended up having to hunt down the Treat or Treat candy and giving it out. Tom was supposed to be doing it. The Playdoh was a hit!
Off to get started on some of that writing.