12:01 AM
Scanning the last of the Miniatures Showcase magazines, seems I had one more than I thought.
Dropped off Wrinkle in Time and a few others in the city library's drop box. I still have a Jude Deveraux to read and two audio books to listen to. Have one book and a few DVDs from the other library. I checked one out on the Tsars of Russia and Tom got one called Vampires. I got one out for Kevin that stars Humphrey Bogart, but he never watched it. Will have to get there on Saturday or wait until Tuesday when Kevin has off again.
6:50 AM
Finished Miniature Showcase and now scanning the second of my personal references notes on miniatures.
RPd for a while tonight. Needed to reboot, didn't log back in afterward.
Listening to
Post Mortem by Patricia Cornwell.
6:31 PM
It seems there was a bit more to what happened yesterday about Tom and his friend Chris. Last weekend Tom invited another friend over to game. He did not uninvite Chris, he invited the other guy to play, too. Tom is getting the feeling that it's a jealousy issue. Chris never made any such remarks until someone else was invited along for the ride. I really have to wonder what brought it on, if not jealousy.
Still listening to Post Mortem. I think I figured out who did it, but who knows...
So far there are over 300 MB of scanned files to be put on CD. I'm nearly done with the second ref book. In the minis, I still have two boxes of magazines to go through, but I'm trying to mix things up a bit to avoid boredom and difficulty level. I'm sure people are wondering what I mean be that, scanning papers can't be hard. It's not hard or problematic to scan sheet by sheet, however, my memory often does dumb things and I can't always recall what pages in the book or magazine I already did. I multitask in between, not always a good idea.