A friend suggested I put my frustration, irritation, etc., into a story. I have started to. In fact, about a month ago I started a journal of fiction to post my stories and restricted access for the time being. Seems to be a common thing, separate journals for stories. I'm just not ready to have those stories out for view of everyone. In my quest to keep the access to my writing limited and protect my copyrights, I suddenly and apparently find myself being the target of an accusation of stalking.
I added someone's journal to the friends list of my fiction journal to read because I enjoy his writing. I'd been reading anyway since someone else pointed me in the direction of it, so, I figured, why hide that I was reading. While he never asked me to not read or to not reply, someone else seems offended and has voiced their displeasure as they did about gossip mongers and how words bite you in the ass. If he looked at the journal, there was a message that would ID me to him. He's an old gaming partner among other things. If he asks/asked me to retreat from his proverbial borders, I would, but he hasn't. Seems to me, the person with the control issue is not me. Just because one person believes another to be hiding, doesn't mean they actually are, especially when they fail to ask before making those assumptions. Just means someone doesn't have all the facts. There's real irony there is it's ok for other people to have two journals used that way and not ID themselves, but when I do it, suddenly it's a stalking offense.
He told me once that assumptions and presumptions are not good things. He was right, but I wasn't the one making them nor was I the one lying.
What I find amusing about the whole thing is the comments about mysterious secret SNs and following a guy around where he goes. Some time ago, I posed the question regarding a multitude of AIM SNs for an e-mail address, Al gave me a great answer. Different SNs for different purposes. Someone else posted "Why analyze it" and "Didn't you know on-line life is all just a great big game anyway? Nothing here is ever truly as it seems ..." Interestingly enough, the situation is not as it seems. I've been playing on and off in that particular area since it opened. Just because someone wasn't aware that I was behind some of the SNs of the characters I play doesn't mean they are a secret. They go in and out of restore. I guess the joke is the guy that I'm supposedly stalking KNEW about those names. He may deny it, but he knew. In fact, the first time I played the spiritualist, I IMmed him and told him about her, I think I have it logged. It's funny how when I don't divulge information that I prefer to not to, I'm horrible and keeping secrets, yet, it's just ducky for other people. I returned to play more often in that area when a friend was going on LOA and I promised to help her partner with hosting duties. Uhh.. yeah... like I knew he was playing there before that.
Bluntly, I'm tired of the "It's ok for me, not ok for you, lookit here, I'm having my cake and eat it, too" bullshit.
Things are real or they not. If something is a game, it is not a reality.
People who say that the words of others are going to bite them in the ass often find their own biting hardest.
Case in point: If you continue to try to pry information out of people, you have no right to bitch about their gossiping habit when you are not only encouraging it, but practically forcing them to continue. Things I said recently got back to me in ways I never uttered, so I wish I knew where my words got twisted, if I do find out... someone will be in in the world of hurt and wonder why I no longer trust them. So... for anyone reading this that the shoe pinches, GOOD. Wake the FUCK up.
I just found it too coincidental that I passed out a poem to a few friends that's posted on my fiction journal and in public view and suddenly, I'm being accused of stalking. To the person that apparently passed it and whatever other info along over time, shame on you! You broke a trust. It is one thing to discuss your own frustrations but to pass along things told to you in confidence and embellishing upon them is unforgiveable. It is one thing to listen to a friend let off steam, it's another to spread their words and alter them.
It's not ok for me to know that he's playing there or who even though his style and feel is pretty obvious to me at this point, but it's ok for someone to be hounding some of my friends to find out who I play even when they don't know. The logic escapes me.
I attempted to mend a fence and received a slap in the face being told that the events of the world were more important than if someone online was offended or not. My family is smack in the middle of those world events. One of the four beings I hold dearest on the face of Mother Earth is on her way into a war zone. I think that's pretty damned important and REAL.
Here's a few doses of reality:
If someone isn't real to you unless you meet and see them then how can all those people that died last week be real to you? Food for thought ... isn't it?
Changing your mind is all well and good, hiding from yourself is not.
Someone is typing the words on that screen and someone's voice is on that phone, while some mask what they are it doesn't make them any less human nor any less vulnerable.
I am as entitled to my privacy as the next person, because I cross paths with others during the time I don't want to be found by most, doesn't mean there's a deep dark secret ulterior motive. Sometimes, you just need to be alone or with a very few close friends. However, because I'm out of communication with most people during my "need to be alone" time doesn't mean I've deserted them nor am I ignoring them. Most know where to write me.
Time heals all wounds, the wound is still open. It will heal eventually, but the heart takes a long time to mend. It wounds are only licked briefly they tend to reopen. If they close that quickly in the first place then perhaps the emotion involved was not at all real or at all deep. The relationship lasted over a year, it'll take longer than a month to heal, if someone can't respect that then they have never really loved or felt the pain of an ended relationship of any type.