Things I need to get off my chest

Mar 11, 2003 09:22

"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag."
--David Letterman

I got that in e-mail and read it in a friend's journal. I read that quote to my husband, the World War II buff. He roared with laughter. Proof was in a show I saw recently, I'm pretty sure it was Iraq. A news crew was talking away with this bunch "small time crooks that wanted to be bigger crooks." Said crooks denied any weapons were on the site, but you know what? When asked to open the building not more than a few feet from where everyone walked, lo and behold.... a piece of artillery. Now, I know little about that sort of thing, but it looked like some kind of small howitzer. Now, I have to wonder if that got there by magic and does that constitute some proof?

Along that line, I saw actress Jenine Garafalo on "The Pulse" last week. It was nice to see that she's as a sharp a cookie as she is funny. I don't agree with her political views, but I give her credit for having the proverbial cajones to get on that show and speak her mind. Unlike a lot of Hollywood celebrities that drop a statement and run, she sat and answered questions. She also said that if she's proven wrong, she'd personally apologize to G.W. Bush.

More celebrity commentary,1426,MCA_529_1790482,00.html Edit: Possible dead link

I don't want a war.. but I heard an open letter from Charlie Daniels read by one of our local DJs. It blew me away! I do apologize for violating his copyright but I'm damned glad to see that he supports our military, emphasis mine below:

Subject: Charlie Daniels comments

An Open Letter To The Hollywood Bunch

Description: A letter from Charlie Daniels to the Hollywood Bunch

Ok let's just say for a moment you bunch of pampered, overpaid, unrealistic children had your way and the U.S.A. didn't go into Iraq. Let's say that you really get your way and we destroy all our nuclear weapons and stick daisies in our gun barrels and sit around with some white wine and cheese and pat ourselves on the back, so proud of what we've done for world peace.

Let's say that we cut the military budget to just enough to keep the National Guard on hand to help out with floods and fires. Let's say that we close down our military bases all over the world and bring the troops home, increase our foreign aid and drop all the trade sanctions against everybody.

I suppose that in your fantasy world this would create a utopian world where everybody would live in peace. After all, the great monster, the United States of America, the cause of all the world's trouble would have disbanded it's horrible military and certainly all the other countries of the world would follow suit. After all, they only arm themselves to defend their countries from the mean old U.S.A. Why you bunch of pitiful, hypocritical, idiotic, spoiled mugwumps. get your head out of the sand and smell the Trade Towers burning. Do you think that a trip to Iraq by Sean Penn did anything but encourage a wanton murderer to think that the people of the U.S.A. didn't have the nerve or the guts to fight him?

Barbara Streisand's fanatical and hateful rankings about George Bush makes about as much sense as Michael Jackson hanging a baby over a railing. You people need to get out of Hollywood once in a while and get out into the real world. You'd be surprised at the hostility you would find out here. Stop in at a truck stop and tell an overworked, long distance truck driver that you don't think Saddam Hussein is doing anything wrong. Tell a farmer with a couple of sons in the military that you think the United States has no right to defend itself. Go down to Baxley, Georgia and hold an anti-war rally and see what the folks down there think about you. You people are some of the most disgusting examples of a waste of protoplasm I've ever had the displeasure to hear about. Sean Penn, you're a traitor to the United States of America. You gave aid and comfort to the enemy. How many American lives will your little, "fact finding trip" to Iraq cost? You encouraged Saddam to think that we didn't have the stomach for war. You people protect one of the most evil men on the face of this earth and won't lift a finger to save the life of an unborn baby. Freedom of choice you say?

Well, I'm going to exercise some freedom of choice of my own. If I see any of your names on a marquee, I'm going to boycott the movie. I will completely stop going to movies if I have to. In most cases it certainly wouldn't be much of a loss.

You scoff at our military who's boots you're not even worthy to shine. They go to battle and risk their lives so ingrates like you can live in luxury. The day of reckoning is coming when you will be faced with the undeniable truth that the war against Saddam Hussein is the war on terrorism. America is in imminent danger. You're either for her or against her. There is no middle ground.

I think we all know where you stand.

What do you think?

God Bless America

I am soooo tired of these flipping ads that say, "What did Iraq do to us?" How about this little gem for an answer? Saddam Hussein keeps flip-flopping between he has no weapons and he will destroy the weapons he has.. well.. which is it? One of those statements is a lie.... do you fancy ass Jane Fonda types want to go there and search? Fuck no... you'd rather sit here in the U.S. all snug and warm running your mouths while the asses of other people's family members and loved ones are one the line to protect... not the country... but the FUCKING CONSTITUTION that gives you the right to spew the crap that I'd like to rap you upside the head for. Funny thing about that... I can tell you to go fuck yourselves, but if I rap you one, I'd go to jail for assault. Listen up celebrity people... YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME or anyone else for that matter. Just because your happy ass makes a couple mill for looking good in front of a camera doesn't make you my spokesperson, so stop acting like you are...

It's interesting that most of the European born celebrities living in the US are supporting the people in the military even if they do not agree with going to war. Why? In my opinion, it's because most European countries still have a draft, here in the United States, people volunteer. Yeah.. volunteer to get shot at and so some pissmonks can yap on TV about how wrong the government is... The government may be wrong, but apparently you ignorant fools don't know enough about it to have read that little clause that says... "the right of the people to alter or abolish." So.. let's see you dipshits come up with a better system than what we have. Show me a fragging solution to the problem that works and THEN tell me how you will get the folks in D.C. to put it to work.

And while I'm at it... how many people THINK they actually live in a democracy? You be surprised how many people that are otherwise well educated do not know that they do not elect the President, the electoral college does. Yup, win the popular vote in the state and you are SUPPOSED to get those electoral votes, but that doesn't mean the shmuck casting those votes will do it. Democracy means the people rule the country... the United States by definition is a republic... like Rome, we elect representatives to make laws for us, we don't make the laws.

Now, there are a lot of wonderful people out there that don't want a war, but you know what? They have husband, fathers, sons, wives, mothers, and daughters that will be out there doing what you stupid fucks of a bunch in Hollywood, and wherever else you are running your yaps, don't have the balls to do. There's a Dad from down south with a wife and three kids that doesn't see a whole lot of them because he's doing his bit to cover your butts... There's a young woman up north planning the rest of her life with a man she loves.. and his tail is out there protecting your borders and your rights... There's a mom with four kids that's doing what she can to keep life as normal as possible because her husband is in that bunch too, watching over the rest of us. There's a family in the southwest that waits by the phone for word of any change because their daughter among those serving.

Next time you want to run your mouth about "I don't want a war," you ask yourself... "If I had to go tomorrow would I have the courage to do what those already serving do... prepare for what may or may not come?" Next time you even think about opening your mouth to argue that it's a volunteer thing and they get paid plenty for it or you pay taxes ergo their salary, you best look at the pay those folks actually get and I'd be more than happy to give you you the lousy few cents you personally kick in, but only if you are willing to put up and go in their place or shut up about their BIG pay. The country has a selective service system that could, God forbid, be activated. Unlike Viet-nam when young man were drafted and came home to cries of "baby killer" and were generally treated like shit.... people have learned the difference between supporting the people who serve and agreeing with why they go.

President George W. Bush has been asking the UN for their support, now, I may be wrong, I but I don't recall former President Clinton asking anyone's permission to take troops to Somalia... Bosnia... Kosovo... he was too busy trying to distract people from the fact that he was a huge liar. Frankly, I don't care who the man has "improper relations with," that's between him, his wife, his creator, and his conscience. However, even though he was Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and he should have been subjected to UCMJ, which means..... jail, he was the Pres and immune to prosecution. Sad that an admitted perjurer was in the White House. I digress, he never declared war... the U.S. troops were... peacekeeping forces. Fuck that... peacekeeping forces... what a crock, that's like when people said the Korean War was police action. I think Max Klinger, a character from M.A.S.H. and After M.A.S.H. had it right when he said something along the lines of.. it wasn't a police action, it was a war... I was there and it was a war.

politics, tv, quotes, celebrities

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