Oct 16, 2008 16:43
How is it that I feel emotions so much stronger than the people I observe around me? My life is a tragedy. Sometimes I'm so angry, I physically feel like I'm turning into a dragon and my heart is snarling. If it's not that I feel my emotions stronger, than it's because people hide them better than me and if that's so, then how come I can't hide them as well as them?
No matter what, I am different from the people around me. Everyone has Stability. I don't. I go crazy once every other day, if not every day.
I thought I found my soul mate in my best friend, Pete. But even though he says he feels the same about the world, he can deal with it. I snarl, while he can calmly explain whatever is on his mind. I cry all the time and embarrassingly in class. I've never seen him cry in my life. We're not soul mates. We just have the same ideas on the world.
I feel separate from people. From friends, peers, family. And sometimes I think, "If life is this terrible on a daily basis, how will I manage my life until the day I die?"
I am in math class and my teacher is such a cunt. All of my previous female math teachers are cunts. Because math is unimportant to me, it's a stress I refuse to deal with. My problem is that I care about everything else. Every. Single. Thing. Else.