Andrea has tagged me for this meme, and it truly was amazing.
I am commenting on 10 people.
1. Don't say who the people are.
2. Feel free to comment, but I'm not confirming or answering anything.
3. Never discuss it again.
4. Tag 5 people to do the same...
1. I love you unconditionally, but sometimes I can't handle your moods. That's when I roll my eyes and hide in my room. I'm sorry if I'm impatient, but since you've always been my support, it's hard to try and be your's. I'll keep trying, though.
2. You're so different than me that I don't really know why we're still friends. Your moods get very intense for me also, and a lot of the times I don't know what to say, or I don't know if there's anything to say. I think it's just better to let you vent, and I am always here for that (as you know and I will try to guide you through this maze as much as I can, even though my own sense of direction is poor. It seems impossibe to let you be there for me, since you are like a little sibling to me. I feel like your guardian, and I am always here, despite the fact that sometimes I feel like I must pretend to be someone different from me to have fun with you when I'm around you. Even though you can get pretty annoying and you can sometimes offend me, I will always be your big sister.
3. I will never understand you, that's why I don't try. Sometimes I force myself to swallow down the lies that are meant to protect that you feed me, and let myself be falsely reassured that everything is fine with you, with everything. I hate it when you get so bitter and uptight. I don't know how you can have such a short fuse while being the only one to remain calm in a crisis. You are an oxymoron. You can be the most dependable person, yet you runaway when things get tough. I don't think you understand me, either, or that you try to. This is why we don't have the best relationship. I don't understand why you let your stubborness and grudges get in the way of your happiness and peace of mind.
4. I use the distance as an excuse not to keep being attatched to you, but it's hard to even talk to you because of everything that happened. I'm sorry that she won't let it go, and I'm sorry that you've cried about it. It's a shame how greed and spite can ruin a relationship. The warmth I feel around you will never change. I will always feel at home when you are near.
5. We have a lot of laughs, and we are both deep thinkers and daydreamers. We talk about the way we see life, and we have bonded a lot over the past two years. You get heated up, and I try to avoid the confrontation. You never fail at cheering me up. We share a connection, but I often refrain from expressing myself and telling you my opinions in fear of your judgements. It's not just you, I feel this way around a lot of people. You have offended me before, a handful of times, but I've let it go.
6. You have offended me a countless amount of times, sometimes very deeply, but I've always let it go. You have taught me forgiveness, and you have/still are helping me learn to treat others the way I want to be treated, not the way I am treated. It seems impossible to talk to you, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel resentful towards you at times, but everything we had lies in the past, and we should keep it that way rather than blaming each other or feeling spiteful towards one another. You were once my shelter in the storm, and I had an unhealthy dependence on you, but you taught me how to stand on my own two feet in the end, and taught me how to be happily independent. You have made me stronger and helped me grow.
7. You were always my enigma. There is something irrestibly intriguing about mystery, and that's what I saw in you. You had what I was looking for, you had so much depth when on the surface you were deceptively shallow. You were my guilt at one point, but that's in the past. My feelings for you resurfaced when the ice started to melt this year, but you left without a trace. It added even more to the mystery. You gave me an escape to cold reality, even though you didn't feel the same way towards me.
8. You're an awesome person, and it's been easy to get along with you. I see you every day in pretty much every class, and I want to reach out to you. You're intellectual, you seem like you can hold all types of conversations, from playing guitar to the deep. I want to have more deep conversations with you, you seem like you'd have a lot to say. I hope I get to know you better.
9. I pray that God gives you strength as you slowly enter adolecense. The years will be tough, and may God bless you with the ability to love yourself and believe in yourself. Don't give up. You're maturing so quickly, you went from the smily short girl who never seemed to get down about anything to someone who's developing thoughts and theories about the world, and who's discovering more and more about herself. We've talked seriously more than ever on your last visit, and I love you unconditionally and I always will. I feel like I'm watching you blossom from a great distance, even though we talk about every 2 months, and sometimes online.
10. Your cynicism sometimes turns me away, and sometimes I feel like you don't really want to be around me, but I admire your creativity, style, humor, and taste in music. We've had one extremely clarifying, deep, and thorough discussion, and many other good talks, and I only hope we can have more. You're a new, but close friend to me. I love talking to you one-on-one. We're both deep thinkers, and I think we're actually a lot alike.
I'm tagging
said_freeze, and
co0ker. You don't have to do it, but I suggest you do. I'll update later on my current state, which has been pretty good lately, and what's been going on in my life. Right now, laundry calls.