Something I'm Good At!

Aug 25, 2005 14:58

So, I think I may have found some form of exercise that not only do I love, but I'm actually good at :)

Last night I joined Heppie (hepstar) and Will again for climbing.

I got my climbing card, so I'm now a responsible adult! However, I then had to ask for some shoes, a harness and a "clippy thing". DOH! I now know it is called a carabina (memory jogger: Caribbean & Ribena)

Had a short go on the bouldering wall which is really hard work, and far more terrifying than climbing as you don't have a rope. I know, the floor is padded and you are less likely to hurt yourself than when climbing, but my fear has always been falling rather than the height itself (although the higher I am, the more I fear falling!!). After a somewhat pathetic attempt (which I'll do better at next time, I promise) we headed over to the little boys wall for some climbing fun.

We did 9 climbs this week, my warm up climb was a level 4 (probably my favourite level 4 climb). I then climbed a 5B before attempting my first 5C climb. I did a further five 5B climbs and one more 5C. These level 5Bs and 5Cs are starting to get really tricky, as the handholds and footholds get much smaller so balance is far more important - something I'm not that good with! I found one 5B in particular probably more tricky than the 5C's I tried, as it had mini-overhanging areas that completely confused me.

Still need to work really hard on these climbs as I've got a long way to go to manage them with ease!

Heppie and Will gave me loads of encouragement as usual, thanks guys :)

I'm enjoying climbing so much more than I expected to; even though I expected to love it! And it is great to finally find a form of exercise that I both love and seem to be naturally good at as I've never really enjoyed any exercise (excluding club dancing which doesn't really count as exercise!) - I love the fact that I come away at the end already looking forward to the following week!

We finished fairly early last night (8.30 compared to previous times finishing at 10), so I called Ian (uvjunkie) to see if he was finished at work, and he said Bryn and Belinda were out celebrating Belinda being offered a job (a better one than the one she had applied for too!) so I headed out to the Lounge to meet them. Ian arrived a little later, once he had finished work. T'was good, although several people ended up back at ours after which meant we didn't get to bed until gone 1am.

pub, climbing, social

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