Jul 05, 2004 20:57
[The last thing you ate?]: mac and cheese
[The last thing you drank?]: caprisun
[Do you believe in love]: yes
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: i don't know...but i don't think so
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: yes i believe in forgiveness to an extent
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: i guess more cats cuz i love them and i am really gonna miss my cat Rags when i go off to college...i hope everyone takes care of her and remembers to feed her and stuff....:(
[What are 3 states you wouldn't mind relocating to?]: NY,california, or i would like to move back to germany where i grew up
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: i wish i could understand the actions of others better sometime
[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]: i guess joy cuz i haven't seen her since school let out...i don't know if i want to hang out but just talk with her
[What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow?]: tomorrow i don't know i hope i get to go to the gym and hang out with my friends tomorrow cuz i didn't really get to do anything today
**In the last 24 hours, have you:
01. Cried: nope
02. Bought something: i've paid for many things and bought food but not purchased anything that were actual items
03. Gotten sick: yea....i am sore and run down kinda sick cuz i went to the lake yesterday and got sunburned and fell off the jet ski's and hit the water kinda hard
04. Sang: the whole way to austin and back in the car
05. Eaten: of course
06. Been kissed: yea
07. Felt stupid: of course...we're talking about tab
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no not really
09. Met someone new: no not in the last 24 hours
11. Talk to an ex: nope
12. Missed an ex: nope...unless were talkin about andrew in this catagory too and if we are i didn't miss him but i saw him and that made me think of him but not in a liking way...so....
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: yea
14. Had a serious talk: yea
15. Missed someone: i guess
16. Hugged someone: yea
17. Fought with your parents: yup...when they were drivin me nuts in austin...i know that once i go to college there will be many times that i miss them but as of now they are driving me insane and i am exciting anout leaving.
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: no i don't think so
**Social Life: hey... wheres 1-4????
05. Hobbies: dance, jumping on the trampoline, AIM, the phone, going to the movies, scrapbooking, and tumbling
06. Pager or cell phone: cell phone!!
07. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: i am both at different times
09. What type automobile do you wish you drove: a yellow dodge truck!!!
12. Do you have a job: nope
13. Do you attend church: no i don't really believe in the whole idea of church
**Me! :
01. Who is your role model: i don't know who it is at the moment..i kinda have and idealistic idea to live up to being a good person but being myself at the same time...not being like a particular person
02. What is some of your pet peeves: racism is a big one, anyoning questions, and bad hygene
03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: of course
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yup..
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: i don't know cuz most of the guys i have dated haven't worked for me...i used to date the boring type...now i am lookin for a more spontaneous guy and i just haven't found one that has stuck..so i don't have a type just lookin at the personalities
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): well maybe a little white lie or something but only like once cuz i know my best friend doesn't care what i do so there is no point to lie so i usually don't...cuz i hope he is honest with me so i am honest with him
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you? oh yea...i still want revenge on many people in that damn high school....maybe one day they will get what they deserve
08. Rather be dumper or dumped: don't really like either...but i would rather be dumbed cuz i really hate hurting someones feelings so if they dumb me i can get over it....sometimes i even try to be rude and stuff to get a guy to dumb me if i want to break up that way i don't have to do it
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": a relationship most of the time because it is more meaningful and doesn't make you feel cheap....even though i have gone through both types
10. Want someone you don't have right now: i guess i just kinda of want some kind of companionship right now...not anything too serious cuz i am leaving in a month and a half
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yup
12. Do you want to get married: yea i guess....i want the whole big thing...but it will be different than a wedding cuz i will not get married in a church..i hope..and i don't want any church affiliate to do the ceramony cuz that is not what i believe in...so hopefully i find a person who will let me have that kind of wedding..otherwise i don't know???
13. Do you want kids: when the time in my life comes yes...i don't know if i physically want to have them or if i want to adopt but i will have kids that is for sure
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: well i really don't know the answer to that and no one really does so i will have to see and only time will tell...but i don't believe so
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: i really like my hair..and eyes
18. Are you happy with you: most of the time yea and i really don't want to be anyone else so i am happy with who i am
19. Are you happy with your life: most of the time..
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: i don't know...i guess it would be the way i approach a situation...like that i could be more sure of myself and approach people i didn't know easilier...stuff like that
[in the morning i am ]: tired
[all i need is/are ]: my family and friends plus rags..she is my baby
[if i had one wish it would be]: to know that i will always have good times in my future and that the bad ones aren't that bad...and that i will have a good life where i get to live out many of my wants and dreams
[im afraid of]: being lonely, spiders, bees, new food, getting yelled at(it litarley makes me shake on the inside...i hate it), and losing my friends
[i dream of]: finding someone who loves me and making many new friends
[coke or pepsi]: dr.pepper
[flowers or candy]: i perfer candy cuz it is more practical but i like daisy flowers
[scruff or clean shaven]: usually clean shaven but it would depend on the guy in some cases
[tall or short]: i'm short and i like guys that are under 6 foot
[what do u notice first?]: apperance
[who can make u feel better no matter what]: i don't know....i like to think i can usually put akil in a better mood...at least make him laugh..that's if i want to
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex]: ocasionally, just to get a better understanding....i guess if they want to switch for a week once a month that would be fine with me
[cried because of someone saying something to u]: oh of course
[been rejected]: yup
[rejected someone]: yup
[used someone]: to the extreme
[done something u regret]: yup
[habla espanol]: nope not at all
[smoke]: never
[obsessive]: over certain things
[could u live without the computer?]: maybe but wouldn't really want to
[whats ur favorite food?]: mac and cheese, chocolate, and pasta with chicken
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: banannas and strawberries
[drink alcohol?] yup
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: definatly emotional pain...i have a high tolerance for physical pain...the emotional makes me a wreck
[trust others way too easily?]: sometimes...i am open with a lot of people wether i trust them or not but i don't really trust many people at all...
[i want]: to love my life to enjoy everthing that happens to me
[i wish]: i could know that life is gonna turn out in a good way and that when i am older that i will look back and think that i had a good life
[i love]: friends and relationships....i love having someone there for me.
[i miss]: ana....oh so much...i can't wait to see her in december!!!!
[i hear]: the tv and akil cuz he just called and talked to me
[i wonder]: why things happen the way they do and for what reason.