Tapioca Pudding!

Jul 24, 2003 16:16

Went to work with dad today, okay. Was too hot. -_- Hung around at the shop for a bit, drove around in musty TV van, jammed to music. Foo Fighters came on so I yelled "FOO FIGHTERS!" and my dad yelled "CRANK IT UP!" and he cranked it up. XD Went around KSC, got a firefighter plastic hat! It's awesome! My head's too big for it, though. ;-; Jammed to music in van, zoomed around, hung at the shop. Ate lunch at the cafeteria, PIZZA! Bought my yearly souvineir, it's a dutchound, or however you spell it, bobble-head thing. HE'S SO COOL! His name is Calvin. =3
And that, my friends, would be all.
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