May 01, 2011 23:55
Pretty astounding news... I flip on the news and they're casually mentioning in a "Oh by the way, Osama was killed..." tone that he was, well, dead.
Like many, 9/11 had a profound effect on me, and I think I started this blog only a few months after it happened (one month after?) I remember posting a lot of 9/11 thoughts before in my Yahoo! Club so I was all posted out by the time I signed up here, but I'm sure it played a part in getting me to sign up for this blog.
I don't know what to say right now, but it's surreal to see all the spontaneous celebrations in NYC & DC, the U.S. in general. I can understand the feeling but when I see these huge crowds celebrating someone's death, it looks EXACTLY like those middle east scenes where they rush out into the streets cheering that somebody they didn't like died.