Troping Marina, Echo, and Kirala

Feb 13, 2017 00:18

In general, Zapp is really interested in these three girls to become his mate.

Marina lives in a lighthouse which is in between two lakes. When the monsoon season hits, it floods around the lighthouse, and used to serve as a beakon for boats at the time. Currently no boats sail around the area. Her and Zapp met by chance at a kareoke bar and sung together, and fell in love quickly.

Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Her and Zapp have a hard time keeping their hands off of each other. Zapp also acts the most romantic around her.

Harem Seeker: Like Zapp's species, her species does harems too.

Older Than They Look: She is 3 years older then Zapp.

Kirala is considred an exotic species. She met Zapp, when she snuck out to hunt and bumped into him. This species is well known to act cold and harsh to those around them, but with great patience their true heart shows. Zapp was able to do just that. Kirala desires to have more friends, but her snobbish personality and luxorious lifestyle prevents that from happening as many try to use her for her wealth. Zapp was never interested in her money. Kirala had an owner who passed on, and inherited her wealth.

Rich Bitch: Deconstructed.

Younger Than They Look: Subverted. She's actually 12 years old, but she is an adult in her species. They don't have long lifespans, and she's pushing beyond the average age.

Echo is a female of Zapp's species. She often gets engrossed in a lot of nerdy activities, that her family shuns her and she isn't treated very well. The scar on her face is caused by many fights that she got into when finding a mate. Zapp met her because of her sister and set them up on a date. Zapp wasn't to thrilled with the idea, but he agreed to give her a chance. He fell in love with her too, as they enjoy many activities together. Echo has the hardest time trying to express her feelings, due to the abuse she's recieved over the years.

Because You Were Nice To Me: The main reason she fell for Zapp.

Broken Ace: Zig zagged.

Desperately Craves Affection: Big time. She had a hard time keeping away from Zapp.

Dude, Where's My Respect?: She isn't well respected by her family or hardly anyone... except Zapp.

Harem Seeker: She tried desparately to get into one only to be rejected for her 'unusual' activities.

Older Than They Look: She's 38 years old. Zapp sure has a thing for older women.

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