Troping Adele

Jan 30, 2017 01:04

A dinosaur who left her tibe as punishment, and met Zapp and Crystala and joins them on their journey.

Big No: Blurts this out when Zapp offers her vermin that he hunted for her to eat.

Brutal Honesty: Often. It's partly the reason why she's unliked by her tribe.

Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: She often shames Zapp for watching a popular drama/romance show called "Golden Smile, Silver Tears." She's only seen 5 minutes of one episode and hated it. Zapp tries to watch it in private, but eventually gives up since she ruined the fun of the show for him.
  • Fan Hater: Applies to this as well, since she hates how anyone could like the show.

Jerkass Ball: Acts like this out of jealousy when Zapp and Crystala's friendship grows closer.

Interspecies Friendship: With Crystala and Zapp.

My God, What Have I Done?: When she notices that Zapp can "evolve" into a negative aspect of someone he's around with for too long. He turned into his Belligerent Form for a brief moment before turning back to normal after he quit watching his show because of her.

Picky Eater: Zapp is annoyed by this. No matter what he makes or hunts, she won't eat it.

Slut-Shaming: Is often disgusted with Zapp's promiscuity, and not afraid to call him out on it.

Snark-To-Snark Combat: With Zapp. Often.

The Exile: She's exiled from her tribe because of her snobbish, pessemistic, selfish, rude behaviour. She's not allowed to return until she improves on it and learns compassion.

The Friend Nobody Likes: Because she's closeminded and shoves her opinion on others, she's fallen into this.

Third Wheel: She is this with Zapp and Crystala. In fact she's jealous of their friendship.

What Could Have Been: Originally Adele was going to be male named "Adel". Seeing that "Adel" was a shortened name for "Adolf" I changed it to Adele, when I decided that a female semmed better for the plot, and poor relationship between her and Zapp. Adele also had the most design changes of the main cast, as I didn't know what I wanted her to look like.

You Never Did That For Me: She often wonders why Zapp treats Crystala with more respect then her. Justified however, since she doesn't treat Zapp very well. She introduced herself by telling Zapp that his species is a pest in her tribe, slut-shames him, and just is rude to him in general.

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