Accidental Misnaming: She's queen of this trope. This includes....
Justified (well, it IS her power), subverted, zig zagged, lampshaded, exploited, discussed, and played for laughs. Affectionate Nickname: Whisper calls her 'Fishie-Chan.' Daaawww.
Berserk Button: She loses her temper if her food is taken away from her. Do not even attempt to steal a fry from her plate.
- Also applies when anyone inquires about her crush on Whisper.
- Calling her selfish is a big one for her too.
Big Eater: Big time. Justified, because when she was mortal, her villiage was going through a famine at the time before she died.
Brutal Honesty: Unfortunately, its become a habit.
Bubble Gun: She practically IS this trope. Except the bubbles that expell from her mouth can make you forget the names of people, things, dates, places, and even your own name.
Butlerspace: Justified.
Butt Monkey: Downplayed.
Calling Your Bathroom Breaks: When yo-kai posees Minnie or Nyanmajo in the house, more often then not, Forgetfish happens to be on the can, and has to call this out.
Cannot Spit It Out: Discussed and deconstructed. When Forgetfish was mortal, she was about to get married, which ended in her being left at the alter. This happened again, when she ends up falling in love with someone in the yo-kai world (years before she met Whisper) only to be left at the alter again. Ouch. This is why she's of the ice element.
Deadpan Snarker: Downplayed.
December-December Romance: Whisper and her are over 500 years old.
Defrosting the Ice Queen: Justified. Her ability is called Elemental Heart, which will change her element (Ice to Water) depending on her friendship with an individual. Only two individuals were able to get her to the water element: Auntie Heart and Whisper.
Desperately Craves Affection: She will not admit it.
Does Not Like Spam: She does have limits to her bottomless pit. She will NOT touch chocolate or any food that has fish in it. (So she won't eat Sushi, canned tuna, ect..)
Dreadful Musician: She used to play the Ryūteki but because she hasn't played it in centuries, she's fallen into this trope.
Dude, Where's My Respect?: She's not treated as well as Nyanmajo.
Embarrassing Damp Sheets: Has this problem when something is severely bothering her.
Embarrassing Nickname: Minnie and Nyanmajo have many for her, after exploiting her forgetfulness. These names include "Sushi", "Fishplosive", and "Miss Fishy-Foo-Foo."
Exposition Fairy: Does this for Minnie, and downplayed for Whisbe.
Fantastic Arousal: Lampdhaded and at one point Double Subverted. Rubbing the back of her ears, and/or touching her tail.
Fish Eyes: Justified. She IS a fish. She normally makes the face when she's confused, bored, or when her mind is blank.
Fish People: She used to be human when she was alive. I guess this trope applies?
Flying Seafood Special: She's a flying ghost fish.
Forgot I Couldn't Swim: The reason why she died, and why she's also of the water element.
Friend To All Living Things: Restricted to goldfish. Her villiage had a pond filled with goldfish, and she loved visiting and caring for them so much, she was called the Goldfish Princess. The goldfish would swim up to her.
Girl Friday: Justified.
Hates Being Touched: Fish hate being touched. She hates being touched, unless she initiates the contact herself.
He Is Not My Boyfriend: Invoked, lampshaded, and Deconstructed. Once Minnie and Nyanmajo see her behavior change around Whisper.
- Deconstructed: (only applies during the Sengoku Period-Edo Period): During the final years they lived together, Whisbe/Whisper began to distance himself from her due to constantly having to deny any romantic inclinations for her.
- He also noticed that he was giving her a bad image in the villiage he stayed in with her. Being a single male living with a single female, unmarried, and with nothing to offer to her, left the townsfolk to view them both under a negative light. That reputation has not disappeared even after all of these years.
- He also thought she was interested in another Yo-kai that they were taking care of, once that Yo-kai found out that Forgetfish was unmarried. (Forgetfish declines his offer though.)
- Also he wanted to follow his dream to become a butler.
I Was Quite A Looker: She was rather attractive when she was younger. She didn't think of it at all.
Just Friends: With Whisper.
Like An Old Married Couple: With Whisper.
Maybe Ever After: Ultimate fate of her staus with Whisper in the comic "A Tale of Two Butlers."
Not So Above It All: For a butler, she does rather undignified things, such as begging for food from the dinner table.
Obsessed With Food: Always.
Older Sidekick: To Minnie.
Only Known by Their Nickname: Everyone calls her Mystic.
Piranha Problem: The reason why she must be kept well-fed.
Purple Eyes: Averted. She has purple eyes, but they have nothing to do with her powers.
Really 700 Years Old: Forgetfish is at least 15 years younger then Whisper.
Reasonable Authority Figure: Minnie and Nyanmajo don't really respect her as an authority figure.
Red Eyes, Take Warning: Zigzagged? She only does this when she's in Piranha mode (when she's hungry)
Servile Snarker: Downplayed.
Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Downplayed.
Sneaking Snacks: She has a stash hidden in Minnie's closet.
Stomach of Holding: She has a habit of swallowing Minne's smartphone, when she isn't studying for the next test.
Sweet Polly Oliver: Invoked. She loves to crossdress as a guy.
Sweet Tooth: She LOVES ice cream!
The Hermit: Used to be this before Whisbe came along.
The Snack Is More Interesting: Often.
Too Hungry To Be Polite: Minnie comments on her poor table manners often.
Trademark Favorite Food: Mochi Ice Cream.
Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Whisper.
Verbal Tic: She says Fish.
You Never Did That For Me: Often recieves this line from Nyanmajo.