Thanks to
PrimetimePokemon's videos, I've gotten back into Pokemon Card collecting :P
Now I think I have a good idea on what cards I'm looking to add in my collection:
ALL Elgyem & Beheeyem cards that I don't have yet. This includes all non holos, reverse holos, holos (even variants such as cosmos/rainbow holo/lineholo ect..), and language varients. (jp, en, kor, fre, ect...)
- Full Art Xerneas EX (146/146)
Plasma Freeze:
- English Secret Rare Shiny Garbodor (119/116) *This has to be in MINT condition. I have the 1st edition Japanese version of this card, and naturally I want the english version to go with it. The ones on ebay are too expensive.
Legendary Treasures:
- Holo Reshiram (28/113)
- Holo Garbodor (68/113) (Reverse Holo wanted too)
- Holo Terrakion (84/113)
- Black Kyurem EX (100/113) *I do have a spare White Kyurem EX to trade for this if you prefer trading.
- Obtained in a trade with my cousin!
Phantom Forces:
- Holo Male Pyroar (The artwork for this card is gorgeous <3)
- Obtained as a gift from pocketmonstrmeg <3
- Secret Rare Silver Dialga EX
Primal Clash:
- Full Art Primal Kyogre EX
Roaring Skies:
- Full Art Mega Latios EX OBTAINED!
I think that's pretty much it xD