Jul 20, 2003 12:39
I wandered onto this "debunkingwhite" community. What a load of shit. It's the same reason I hate ethnic studies majors. Middle class minorities whining about middle class minority (self centered, in other worlds)problems. I hardly see how my supposed ability to get a job at Abercrombie and Fitch (not that I am fashionable enough to get a job there anyway) is a signification of my "white privilege" (I hate this term) - nor will I acknowledge it as a huge societal problem. It's almost as ridiculous as the complaint that band-aids match Caucasian skintones and not other ethnicities...Last I checked, I wasn't manila-envelope colored either. As usual per BA intellectuals, no focus is made on the lower class where the real problems are.
One example: Is there job discrimination based on color? Subconsciously, yes. Conciously, sometimes. Is it always white-on-minority discrimination? No. We're living in an increasingly diverse society. More people of color are rising into management positions. And you cannot tell me that a Mexican manager is going to pass up a chance to hire one of his "paisanos," or that a Black manager isn't going to stick with his people. Is this acceptable? Is this just that manager's way of reversing past discrimination? I don't buy it. Like the cry for affirmative action in college admissions, it's just another example of "I want more people who look like me around." I mean, hell, one of my roommates will be a fan of a sports team for the sole reason that there is a Mexican player and will listen to ANY music, no matter how generic, if it is in spanish. Then this one girl got all upset because I referred to her as "hispanic" and went off on how she identifies with her indigenous roots and she is latina and blah blah...guess what? you speak spanish. Learn anahuatl, then let's talk. And as for California being part of Mexico..the Spaniards stole it from the natives anyway. Califaztlan my ass.
California especially is becoming less and less of a blatantly "white dominant" society - these new "white privilege" arguments I think would've had more bearing 30 years ago - but at that time, it was acceptable to attack other races, not whites. How things have reversed, although I'm glad California seems less blatantly racist as somewhere like New York (yikes). Sometimes I'm pretty glad I didn't go to Berkeley - I really dislike this whole "New Social Movement" trend, I think I preferred melting pot a lot more than the ethnic salad. I admit there are problems, but I am not into the whole white guilt bag.
On a final, unrelated note, fuck everyone who is following the Kobe Bryant story or any other celebrity based news like it's actually important or relevant.