Jan 25, 2008 00:41
reviewing old posts, i think that in the last 6 months i've had a pattern of vivid and disturbing dreams. the last week I haven't had any that were over the top, but for the last few months at least once a week I've had a dream where I wake up and think about it all day and it often even has altered my mind state so that I am having a "weird one". I would assume that this is due to the rocky course that I've navigated, and the sleeping situations that i have been put on (mostly couches, even now I am sleeping on a couch in my room).
Dreamcatcher maybe?
I've also been waking up at 8:30am without fail, even if I go to bed at 4am.
I assume that is a pattern created by my work schedule.
I think I was waking up at 6 something when I worked at wholefoods in the mornings.
pretty early otherwise, never able to sleep past 8 or 9am.
I woke up new years day at 8am-ish and walked for miles, from somerville to inman square to kendall sq, to mass ave bridge, to boston common, took a train to allston, got my bike, road back down to newbury st.
I think I would want to live over near inman sq, or near somerville and harvard boarder, the light in the morning was absolutely unbelievable, plus there was absolutely noone on the streets due to the holiday. it was one of my favorite mornings. the area over there is interesting. mostly house based neighborhoods with lots of side streets and plants and shit.