being ego centric

Aug 19, 2005 15:30

It was a thursday night and of course Andy and I were doing our usual ice cream and big brother routine when the most shocking episode aired. I just found how amazingly ego-centric people are..Well I always knew it but lately I'm begining to realize how much so. I thought you were supposed to grow out of that pre-operational stage at the latest 7 years old. I guess someone I know has recently crossed my mind alot and the girl hes dating. She is subjecting herself to being hurt by someone she loves. What kind of life is that to live? I know I don't know everything about thier situation but does love really blindside you that much? And she has done everything she could to make everything about her. She researched, sucked up, waited, watch him hurt her, hurt other people..but in all that she doesn't care about anything except herself. I thought when we get older we thought about things and took other people into consideration. I know she's gotten rid of me as much as possible. I never understood why girls feel so threatened. So to get the guy I want I suddenly need to get egocentric, research him, get rid of the girl he loves, this a game? Do only the winners win because they make everything about them?

So switching topics school is good I just finished all my midterms and it feels so good to have them done. I now have to start on my finals projects lol or I'll never finish!! Everyone is finally gone back to college or driving up with in the next few days. It will be interesting to do this all over again and have to hang out with a different crowd.
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