May 30, 2008 17:13
even though it's a day or two shy of june, i'm participating in my yearly ritual of reenacting christmas musically during the first month of summer. all the christmas albums and classic musicals start to come out, and my youtube searching consists of "oh holy night" and "phantom of the opera." oh yes, and a bit of josh groban as well. btw, i was thoroughly pleased and surprised by david cook's rendition of music of the night. maybe it's cuz i think his voice sounds like what i remember gerald butler's to be. and les miserables always always gets me. i wish they didn't shut down the musical in january... i really wanted to rewatch it at some point.
on another note, i feel like my intonation's gone down. or, i guess, up since i feel like a lot of held notes sound too flat for my taste, but i can't tell if it's because i'm getting more or less sensitive. dah! i miss my musical abilities =( sadness.
anyway, in case anybody actually read this, i suggest you go check out carrie underwood's version of "how great thou art" because i think it's gorgeous.