Drabble a Day - Day #23 - Acceptance - SPN

Jan 23, 2010 14:45

Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Category: Angst
Rating: G
Warning: Spoilers for 5.4
Title: Acceptance
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, deancas100. Prompt #19

Dean left Castiel’s side at dawn and crept out of the cabin. He needed to be alone. To think.

The beach was beautiful, tranquil. But in his mind he replayed those last few moments in Detroit. The sense of failure sliced through his heart anew.


He knelt, hands clasped, head bowed.

Cas once said that prayer was a sign of faith. Dean preferred to think of it as an act of desperation.

And so he prayed.

For his brother. For guidance. For forgiveness.

Then, opening his eyes, he stretched out his arms and with one word embraced his destiny.


fandom: supernatural, genre: angst, word count: 100 (drabble), rating: g, pairing: dean/castiel

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