100 Word Stories - Misfire - Supernatural

Dec 21, 2009 16:29

Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write.
Pairing: None
Category: General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Title: Misfire
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the Drabble(ish) Tree going on today at the LiveJournal community, dc_fireplace.

Gunfire echoed through the compound, seemingly everywhere at once.

Castiel, gun awkward in his hands, reeled back with the force of impact. He stared helplessly down at the red stain spreading over the front of his trench coat. His eyes rose to meet Sam’s, questioning silently.

“Uh… sorry, ‘bout that, Cas,” Sam said, “I didn’t mean to get you. I was trying to hit Dean.”

“Trying being the operative word,” Dean smirked, stepping out from behind the concrete slab he had ducked behind. He swung the paint gun at his brother with a wicked grin.

“Better luck next time, dude.”

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