600seconds - Just a Heartbeat Away - Fruits Basket

Mar 06, 2007 06:04

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write.
Pairings: None
Category: General
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Title: Just a Heartbeat Away
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, 600seconds. Theme - Just a Heartbeat Away

Loneliness had engulfed Tohru on many a night after her mother had died in that automobile accident. And not even the presence of her grandfather and the rest of her family could alleviate that ache in her heart, the need to be around people who wanted her, cared for her. Loved her, for who she was and not what she could give them.

After she went out in the world on her own with her pup tent, her picture of her mother, and her meager possessions, she threw herself into her school work and her part-time job and lied to herself as she lay in her sleeping bag at night that she had everything she needed. Everything but the mother she adored.

It wasn’t until she met the Sohmas that she acknowledged this feeling that plagued her and gave it a name. Here amongst some of the kindest, most caring people she had ever known, she embraced her feeling of loneliness and was finally able to cast it aside. She still missed her mother, always would, but she was no longer alone. Even when she was far away from the others, she knew that they were just a heartbeat away, loving her and being loved in return.

Yeah, a little sappy, I know. But it was the best I could do in ten minutes this early in the morning.
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