Feb 22, 2008 11:22
Oh geez it's been a grip of time since I've written anything all up in here. I guess I'll get started with the last thing I left off on. Steve. HA! Okay, so the last time you heard me talk about him, he seemed perfect. Yeah, found his flaw right quick, he never really wanted a relationship with me. He was just using me becuase he was lonely and can't stand the thought of not having anyone to love him. i actually went about a year without talking to him and then all the sudden out of the blue I get this IM from him. Yeah, I was caught totally unawares. He said that he was in PA and that he was visiting family and that he and his current boyfriend were fighting all the time and blah blah blah. Well, he went on to say that he was really going to move to vegas. so i told him when he gets back to san fran, text me and we'll talk. (I was in RI visiting Hawley! but that's another story). Anyhow, when he's been back in SanFran for about two weeks, I realized that he was just bullshitting me again and I wrote him this really long and really mean ass myspace message. I didn't even care if his boyfriend read it or not. I was like FUCK that bullshit! meanwhile, after i had stopped talking to steve the first time, I was really content being single. I had no crushes, nobody that i was completely into. I still held my job at the jewelry store til about february of the following year. I had some crazy drama happen with one of the Body English hosts, me and two of my girlfriends. So this kid Travis, he works for body english (which is a club out here in Vegas). Travis was apparently talking to a friend of my named Christa. Now apparently druing this time he had met my other friend whose name is Meagan and they hit it off and apparently he started talking to her too. Now I'm chillin with Meagan and she states that she is talking to this boy from body english. I was like, who? and she says Travis! Now I'm like , whoa! I'm pretty sure Christa is still talking to him. So I call Christa, put her on speaker phone and have meagan listen. Tell me why their stories corroborated with certain similarities. So Travis some how gets wind of all this going down and he calls me at the jewelry store and proceeds to cuss me out cuz he can't keep his game tight. I told him that i'm just looking out for my friend and that if there is more to the story then he needs to come out with it. (later on i find out that this boy is now messing around with one of my other friends *who's a dude*).
About this time i get my job at the mgm grand and life seems to be going okay. I started to go out alot at this point and everyone at the front desk seems to talk about my lifestyle. in about august is when things went south. for reasons i'm still not really clear about, I was thrown outta the house by my dad in the middle of the night. i ended up staying with Meagan (girl from travis story) for 3 months on her couch. i bought a car (Saturn Ion 06) that i loved! And everything was going pretty smoothly. Then, i got into a car wreck and totalled poor Skeeter. I hit a wall going about 60 or 70. that's the start of my downward spiral into where i am at today. after the car wreck it took forever for the insurance company to send me my check. when i finally got it and put it in the bank, someone hacked into my account and stole all that money. Coupling with my daily spending, i went $700 in debt. Seeing as though i had direct deposit from MGM i couldn't not pay the debt first so all my money went in to a black whole of seering debt. I couldn't pay rent or other things, like cable, or electricity. I got evicted from my place. That same day after having 2 days off, i went back to work and they said that they were going to do a 3 day suspension becuase I hadn't clocked in in about a week. So that was a total of 5 days without pay. Seeing as though I had no place to live, I stayed with another friend of mine, Simon. Simon and i got along okay. but soon it got to a point where i think he wanted me to be more domesticated that i really am. Cooking, cleaning, massaging his back becuase he was so tense. Around the time things went south with Simon as a roommate, I had realized I had lost my bank key. That bank key unlocks my personal bank at the MGM with $500. The next day, I go to work and they said we did an audit of your bank and we only found 5 dollars in change in your bank. I told them about how i lost my key and then they said that they would have to do an investigation on this, but until it was proven, I couldn't work at the MGM. 3 weeks goes by and i got no reponse, so I kinda figured, fuck it. Now I'm jobless, homeless, and carless, and i am seriously thinking about becoming a hooker LOL! Brightside to all this though? I have met a boy who's really very interesting. Its not like before though. idk how i can tell, i can just tell! xo)
so this brings me to today...i have to go to the mgm and check in for megans bachlorette party...for some reason they can't find the reservation. and then have to go to caesars and drop off Jasen's jacket.