Mar 02, 2007 10:26
im finally wearing my dickies again. Its been months. i remember the days when i used to wear nothing but dickies. When the thought of wearing tight jeans was a ,"hell FUCking NO." Nope not anymore those days have definatly come to a close. But i still sit here today wearing the exact same pair of torn up dickies with the scissor cut from allan and the hole in the knee from when i went skateboarding in a pool with heather Marcello for the first and probably only time. So whats been up lately? well actually alot. Ive been going to alot of parties, playing ALot of beer pong even though i hate that game, not playing so much guitar, and sorta getting back to the drumming idea. I tried to buy a double bass pedal a few days ago but that didn't work out. (i was so sad. ive always wanted double bass pedals and BAM here was one that was under 200 bucks in great condition and located in gainsville so i wouldn't have to wait forever for it to arrive. BUT FUCK I GOT OUT BID Rediculous style.) Ive been looking around for internships but i can't seem to actually commit to one. im actually really scared of the idea of doing something ive never done before... NOT so much leaving or going to a different state but more or less the tasks they are going to be asking me to do. i mean i know once i get there ill be in the zone and ready to work but i just don't feel so confident about signing up.
This weekend is going to be pretty intense. There is so much going on the same days its crazy. Sparta is tomorrow along with like 3 parties. TOnight there is another party. and after doing all of this fun stuff i some how have to squeeze time in so i can study for math and write my damn fucken music apprication paper. I probably shouldn't be partying so hard being that im sick and have been sick for the past 2 weeks since i last went down to miami. Speaking of miami...i had a pretty ok time last time i went down. i went to dinner with dad at flannigans and said hi to all the cool kids at greynolds and pretty much got my summer job situation handled. SO ill be most likely working at greynolds this summer and hanging out in miami unless some crazy oppertunity comes flying my way and i just have to snag it. BUt any way....
yesturday was full of non stop fucken math. IT was fucken horrible. i didn't even finish everything. i was working on over 60 pre cal problems for over 6 hours. HORRIBLE. its all because i decided to catch up on the world last week and step out of the ill do a few math problems a day routine so i could read some articals about recent environmental issues. SHit i really should be doing some math right now but im just toooo BLAh to do it. SO after retiring from math liz little shrimp and i headed over to Rauols house...(that is so not howyou spell his name) for apperently a post exam party...pish i had no idea what kind of party it was at first cause cameron was just like hey wanna go out and that was that we were going. It was a pretty good time. GOod beer Sean and Rew came Brenton played guitar there was some salsa dancing and a single game of beer pong and some funny relationshit talk and all in all i think it was a pretty cool night.
THe day before that i went over to seans house after school and we (me sean and abrey) went to ocala on a mission to find a superwalmart. WE super sucked at smelling it out and had to ask fer directions. it was a merry ol time. lots of driving. lots of rocking. lots of looking. lots of fun. lots of speeding too. i had to Haul ass back to Gville so that i could make it back in time for a band concert that rew was soposed to go with me too BUT he thought that since we weren't back by seven on the dot that it was cancelled BUT NAW AW HEll no. SO i ended up going by myself and driving really fast around uf and throwing sean out of the car at arbys and making it there only 2 minutes late. i was a pro that day. Definatly.
sammie update. He still has balls. he is shedding. HE is still ANNOYIng as hell.
my boob itches. SOmeone scratch it. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah thats about it. Im really excited about a few up comming shows. FUCKEN +44 again can't wait. this time ill have all their songs memorized so ill sing along....than there is POison the well!!! thats going to be amazing. I Hope they play some oppiset of december songs. shit one would make me happy. unnnnnnnnnd ummmmm yeah G ville is lookin up....
TOmmrow is gonna kick ass. Mikal Candice ALex and A Town are throwing a party. maybe if i meet sparta ill invite them back... shit that would be prettty PImp.