Nov 14, 2006 00:09
So this year even though my birthday was in the middle of the only test week from turned out to be great. well not my birth-day but my birthday weekend. THANk you so much...Katherine. TAYlor. Mikal. Liz. Christie. GOldie. HEctor. you guys really made it happen. on thursday i went to see +44 and mark and travis never seem to stop amazing me. Travis played the whole show with only one hand. it was amazing. and this really nice guy literally stopped everyone from squashing me so i got to enjoy the show 3 people away from front center. and when that was all done he showed me the cutest thing ever when i went in to give him a thank you high five...he was like let me show you something and we matched oppiset hands and wrapped thumbs and he was like ITS a HAnd HUge! and just walked away. HE was so nice. he almost made orlando ok. but this bitch that was standing behind me fucked that idea up!!! fuck she was louder than the guitars and when ever she yelled it maded me think i my ears were bleeding. shit it hurt so bad. i swear i have hearing damage souly because of her. anyway that show ended at around 11ish since it was only +44 and the matches.(the singer dude from the matches has a huge mouth and long ass tounge. like stevin tyler and fucken gene simmons mixted in one monster. his mouth i swear was one whole alice tittie, ill explain this later) we got back from orlando at like 12 adn passed out even though justin and lydia were having a kegger.
SO on friday christie ruined taylor and katherines master plan to suprise me. haha. and i found out about the kegger at mikals. soo close to being a super secert! but oh well i twas great. they came over and we drank and ate pizza...we drank some more. and taylor katherine and i got really fucked up. i think i drank like 8 shots in like 1-2 hours. yeah we were passed out before 11. but before passing out i talked to zack and haha made a total ass of myself and cried and was very sad. i still am very sad. but whatever. god alcohal is bad when it comes to that crap. i feel so emabrassed. but yeah if you look at my facebook pictures there are ones of me crying and in the background you see my computer screen and the aim windows that are open one is zacks. haha he told me to pull myself together. i wihs isaved my conversation. fuck.
saturday: i wokeup and puked. than i puked some more. and some more. i took like 3 showers and puked some more. at around 11 i passed out naked by my toliet cause i was in the middle of a shower and had to puke and just thought it felt so nice lying on my dirty laundry and having that reassured feeling that i could just sit up and vomit. in times like these i wish i could just strap my head to the toliet seat...(hey guys that could be an amazing money making idea. drunken toliet head strap) yeah anyway by 12 i was all healed and ready to go thanks to katherine gettine drunk advice from little robin.(i was really already feelin gbetter when they got back from lunch though but yeah) soooo we sat around till 5ish and than went to go see ALice. it was avery strange play but definatly worth it after you saw alices boobs the preacher transexual the crazy tap dancing knife lady and all the outher good stuff plus a final shot of alices HUGE boobs. really they were FUCKEN giant. from now my hommies are measuring things with them because they were HUGEEEEEEEEeee. HUm after that we went to dragonfly and ate some awesome sushi. haha the waiter touched my aunts ass and ummmm the gators won.
SAturday...PARTY: soooooo me and katherine sadly dropped taylor and liz off after dinner and headed over to mikals house to fill the keg and start drinkin. at first things went slow but very quickly turned into an amazing party. Ksome and friends showed up and than left...douches. CHristie hector and WONDERFUL goldie soooo played flipcup with me and katherine dude team 305 fucken rulled that shit! there was alot of talking and drinking no throwing up till the next day (pooor hector) anywya FLip cup was a total sucess...i tired to play beer pong but fuck i suck at it. ummmmmm justin and his friend jay were a total hit haha jay and his refined drinking. um SArah showed up adn presented me with an awesome skull candel which i have to go picup from mikals... goldie had some good and bad times. haha we bothered her alll night i wish i didn't ditch my friends though when shawn richard and robert asked me and katerine if we wanted to go back to there house but i had to they were being so awesome!! we had a moment where fucken katherine shawn and me and i tihnk maybe richard were speaking like 4 differnet languages. but anyway at like 3 in the morning we headed over to shawns house...i have noooooooo idea where it was. but whatever we skateboarded played guitar went swimming (thta was such a stupid idea but at this moment i was toasted up and talking so much smack and proabably bing so fucken annoying) but whatever we met this cool kid andrew and i stepped on his network and talked about ska with him while katherine messed around on the endo board. (i so gotta get one of those) at around 530 richard took us back to dannys house and we drove home and arrived fucken cool as fucken ice at my house still soaked) all in all it was an awesome weekend.
sunday: we went to lunch at chillis and said goodbye to my amazing friends and sister. I LOVE ALL of you guys. it was way better than last times one million. SORRY FOR Being irresponsible and yah know i donno. now that i think about what i cna remember i feel like i made a total ass of myself. but i think thats what this party was about. me gettin super drunk and doing stupid stuff and i diffenatly did. GO ME. GO ALL MY PIMP FRIENDS. I lvoe ALL YOU GUYS!!!. and i even love the kids that couldn' tmake it because i know all of them would have been there if they could have. TO All my miami hommies don't worry we will party one day soon. and FLIP CUP FOR ALL!. shit i swear to god next time i go to the MIA im bringing a keg shell and we are going to fill that shit up adn play flip cup till we all pass out! well if not next time the time after that. PEACE.