Dec 27, 2004 12:00
27 Nov 04
I thought that I didn't need a guy in my life to be happy anymore. Being around everyone and their others, and watching everyone hook up over the weekend made me realize how lonely I am. I know that when I least expect it, it will happen. I have just gotten to the point that I am sick of waiting. I was hoping that by coming down here I would be getting away from the old me. I never change, I am still the same person. No matter what I guess that is a part of me. I can't change it at all. I AM DONE! Why try to be somebody that I'm not? Why not just be me? Whoever that might be. I don't know anymore. I hate feeling like this! No matter what I do I'm not happy anymore. I like it down here, but I am homesick. I like my new weight, but I feel fat. I am glad to be single, but I feel so alone.
6 Dec 04
This is my news update about whats going on in my life. I leave in February for the big sandpit across the sea. Doing what I joined the Army to do. Making sure that everybody who bitches about the war doesn't have to go and defend themselves and so they can keep their freedoms that they love. So in a month I am going to go over and do the best that I can to make this country proud. Hopefully I will make it back to deal with the people who just don't know how good they have it or how lucky they are. Don't feel sorry for me, I feel sorry for those who don't go over. At least I get a little bit more cultured. Don't think of it as a bad thing it is an adventure. Unlike the ones who sit home and "support" the soldiers I am living it. Don't tell me your views about the war, I don't really care. If you care and support us so much then why don't you enlist? If a 5 foot, less then 100 pounds nothing can do it whats holding you back? All I hear is excuses every time somebody opens their mouthes, never the truth.