The Dentist

May 10, 2004 12:06

Wisdom teeth should grow vertically, but nobody told my bottom two wisdom teeth. They are trying to make their entrance horizontally, pushing some other teeth out the way.

I have not seen a dentist in over seven years. I dislike dentist, very much. The last dentist I had was a lying cheating piece of shit. However, it was time to see a dentist, my teeth were calling for them.

Last Friday night, my mouth began to ache, then hurt, then really hurt. I was unable to sleep most of the evening, I was just waiting for the morning to come around so I could go to the drug store and get something to help. By 4AM I realized that maybe I should try Advil. Ah, by morning it was feeling better, and by the afternoon much better. Since I could tell it wouldn't just go away, it was time for a dentist.

The X-ray revealed the problem, two impacted wisdom teeth, growing horizontally. Time to see the oral surgeon for removal. This should be fun.
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